Honey scrub how to cook

Honey scrub how to cook

Honey in its composition contains a lot of useful substances and is widely used not only in traditional medicine, but also in cosmetology. Based on this product of beekeeping, moisturizing and rejuvenating masks are prepared, as well as scrubs to help clean the epithelium from burned cells. In this article we will tell how to cook a honey scrub.

Scrubs for body

Honey body scrub with chocolate

This tool will help get rid of dry and dead skin, as well as smooth the manifestations of cellulite. To do this, place the tile of bitter chocolate in the refrigerator, it should be solid. Felt tiles on pieces and grind them in a blender. You can grate chocolate on a small grater, you should get a crumb. Pour chocolate into a bowl and add 100 g of honey to it and 1 tablespoon of shallow salt. You will get a thick and sticky mass. During swimming, apply Cashitz on wet skin and massage it. Special attention is paid to the stomach, hips and buttocks.

Honey scrub how to cook

Dry skin scrub with Hercules

Salt is an aggressive product, so it should not be used as part of the means for sensitive and mature skin. For women, a substance is suitable on the basis of Hercules. To prepare a scrub 2 tablespoons of oat flakes, mix with the same amount of honey. To the resulting mixture, pour the tablespoon of cream and mix thoroughly. Apply to the skin and massage it. After that, wash the cassea and apply a moisturizing cream.

Honey scrub how to cook

Problem skin scrub

If your skin is fat and tend to appear acne, prepare a scrub based on egg protein. This tool will help get rid of black dots, and also reduce redness. In a small bowl, mix 3 tablespoons of oatmeal with 100 g of honey and add egg protein to the products. Mix Cashitz thoroughly and apply her shoulders, back and hips. Clean the skin and wash the substance with warm water.

Cellulite Honey Scrub

Coffee groove mix with sour cream in equal amounts and mix. To the resulting mixture, add a tablespoon of honey and apply a means on the hips and buttocks. It is advisable to wear a special massage mitten and massage problem areas. After that, wash the scrub and apply anti-cellulite cream on the skin. This scrub is better used after bathroom or bath, in this case the pores will be open and the maximum amount of beneficial substances will absorb.

Scrubs for face

Honey peeling for face

Mix in a container in equal amounts honey and milk. For cooking, it is advisable to use candied honey to pre-melt on a water bath. In a liquid mass, gradually enter the teaspoon of ground almond. You have to get a crawler with dark grains. Apply a means to the skin, put it with your fingertips. Places near the eye need to go around. After that, wash the scrub and slip the face with cool water. If you have very dry skin, replace fatty cream milk.

Banana Face Scrub

Put 2 tablespoons of oat flakes in the saucepan and pour them with warm milk. When the mass is sweeping, enter 2 tablespoons of honey and the pulp of half a banana. You should have a smooth messenger consistency. Apply it on the skin and massage thoroughly. You should not apply a lot of strength, it is enough to pat the face with the tips of the fingers. Rock the tool and wipe the skin with ice cube.

Keep in mind, honey is a strong allergen, therefore, before carrying out the procedure, make sure that there is no allergies.

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