How to make a body scrub

How to make a body scrub

Clean, smooth and soft skin is the purpose of each woman who monitors. You can achieve this in many ways, but the easiest and most pleasant is a scrub for body and face. In the salons, this service is expensive, especially with the fact that it must be held weekly. There are many industrial funds with different composition, various price categories. But the scrub is easy to do independently, without losing its money and the fine final result.

The scrub consists of small abrasive particles that remove the burritable cells from the skin surface. For the face, smaller and soft particles are used, so as not to damage the gentle skin. For the body you can take the basis of a slightly larger texture. And for coarse skin on the heels or elbows, the hard exfoliation is effective.

There are three most common foundations for homemade absorbing agents. The most popular of them is coffee. Only natural ground coffee without flavors and additives are suitable. Making such a scrub, you will not incur no damages, as the coffee thickness is used, which usually goes to emissions.

The coffee scrub not only cleans the skin well, but also improves blood microcirculation, tones and returns to it healthy and even color. Ground coffee beans have such properties as protection against ultraviolet, collagen and elastin production, as well as fat burning.

The next most popular is a scrub from sugar. It also makes the skin smoother and soft. The brown sugar is best sugar, because its grains are smaller and soft, which avoids the injury of the skin under the procedure.

No less known and loved by women sea salt for "polishing" of the skin. Salt, being a mineral element, contains in itself iodine, iron and magnesium, which in turn carries the skin and moisturizing. For salt scrub, use fine or middle salt, which is sold in stores and pharmacies.

The exfoliation with the help of coffee grounds, sugar and salt is well suitable for oily, normal, dry and peeling skin. It is worth abandoning if there is an open wound, scratches and cracks, or if the skin is too sensitive. The last two components are water-soluble, which makes it possible to use them to escape the lips, face and scalp.

As the basis of the scrub, you can take other products that are not a major abrasive. Soda is perfect for cleaning the face. With it, you can get rid of black points and cosmetics residues. Racing nuts contain oils and vitamins necessary for the skin. Crushed cereals belong to a soft method for removing dead cells. Typically used oat, rice, semolina or buckwheat flour. The dried and extractive citrus crusts will give the skin elasticity and return the radiance and healthy color.

To give your body smoothness and elasticity using an escape, you can only take the base itself with small particles. But more effectively add mitigating substances to abrasive. For dry skin, it can be cream, gel, emulsion or oil. Olive, linen, ginger, sesame, castor and others are ideal.

The owners of a fatty and normal type of skin should also take care of themselves. Remove the fat brilliance, remove inflammation and narrow the pores will help the cosmetic clay added to the scrub. For any skin, food will be useful with the help of fermented fermented products. Sour cream, kefir, yogurt or cream will be completely softened and clean the skin. Also undoubted benefits and pleasant sensations will bring honey or chocolate mass.

When cooking a body scrub at home, you can add berries, fruits or vegetables to the original mixture. Relieved raspberries or strawberry moisturizes and nitamin skin. Mango and avocados will return the body elasticity and freshness. And cucumber, potatoes and pumpkin will help to dry the pigment stains and remove the swelling.

Such a procedure as cleaning the body and face with a scrub carries many advantages and practically does not have contraindications. It is important that there is no damage to the skin and allergies to the applied tool. It is not necessary to get involved in a scrub, once a week will be enough to maintain its beauty and harmony.

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