Women of any age. Hair, nails, leather - everything should be well-groomed and blooming. Lips are no exception. Women wish to keep their softness and tenderness, beautiful healthy color, youth and smoothness as long as possible. And for this, the methods listed below are suitable.
Softness of the lips from the application of shop
Manufacturers of cosmetic and pharmaceuticals for women's beauty regularly offer creams, balms, masks, scrubs, sequins, special lipsticks that have a softening effect on the lips. And the result is usually achieved quickly. Your lips are softened, but losing their natural color. Therefore, you are binding to cosmetics and can no longer afford every day without it.
Nevertheless, sometimes you can save Vaseline, applied on dry cracked lips for the night.
Folk recipes to make lips soft
Knowing the properties of food, you can easily care for your sponges, cook cream, scrubs, balms for them, and enrich your best cosmetics.
For example, in pure form, apply olive, sesame oil on the lips. It is better to do it overnight, but without excessive diligence - the layer of oil should not capture the skin around the lips and be too thick. It is permissible to enrich gloss and balms with ready-made oil mixtures. So you reach the effect of soft and healthy lips even faster.
Seasonal vegetables and fruits cut out slices and massaging lips for 5-10 minutes. Apples are suitable without peel, watermelons, bananas, kiwi, cucumbers, gooseberries, strawberries, carrots, lemon. Also mix them with each other, having previously grinding, and apply like a mask on the lips.
Honey - natural sweet humidifier and softener. Especially useful for lip-type lips.
Creamy butter or cashem with fat cottage cheese with any of the components - with sour cream, cream, honey in equal proportions quickly return softness dry cracked sponges.
If you practice cooking for yourself with cosmetics yourself, then mix Lanolin or foaming pork fat with rose essential oil and apply a thin layer on the lips for the night. Store the prepared mixture in a glass container in the refrigerator.
Make lips soft with a toothbrush
Choose a brush with soft bristles and very carefully arraying lip circular movements.
To enhance the therapeutic effect, moisturize the brush with honey, butter or any other tool like.
It is enough 1-2 times a day for 4-5 minutes to perform these lip manipulations to return and save their softness and beauty.
Healthy nutrition - pity of the softness of the lips
External masking problems of female beauty extremely zybank. If you regularly use moisturizing lipstick, then after its removal, your lips do not look attractive. And it means that people with them will not show without special "armor". However, think about - if you eat fast food, harmful food, ignoring fresh greens, fruits and vegetables, then what external health can we talk about? No beauty magazine will write that to return softness, the lips need to be lubricated with ketchup or mayonnaise.
Therefore, love fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits and eat them regularly!
Clean water for the soft lips
We are the children of the water planet, which means that the reserves of the fluid inside are required to maintain the balance and the vital activity of their body. Pay attention to the number of glasses of clean water that you drink per day. If they are 8, then there is nothing to worry about, less - it's time to take yourself in hand and consciously control the receipt of clean water without gas into our body.
Experiment on health with different methods to give softness to your lips. Confidence and soft smiles to you!
i like the hygienic lipstick Aevit fat in LibrRerm, it perfectly softens the skin of the lips, and also perfectly protects it in winter