How to make lip gloss

How to make lip gloss

Lip gloss gives them volume, gloss, so makeup looks more transparent, the face is fresh. The glitter prepared with its own hands has softening and feeding properties, as it is made of natural components. Home gloss is not harmful to allergies, which are contraindicated by some components of industrial cosmetics. They can take advantage of even young girls.

Today, with the abundance of the choice of cosmetics in stores, it became very popular to produce them with their own hands. Such a manufacturer "Handmade" is a very exciting and interesting hobby. It will be necessary at least simple ingredients that the hostess is always at hand. Variate them by seeking the desired shade. Add such a fragrance that you are pleasant. And most importantly - no harmful additives and preservatives.

Do not add to the home glitter: mineral oils, chemical dyes, preservatives. All components of the brilliance are selected from natural, natural substances. In many brilliance recipes, cocoa oil is necessarily present. It is it that makes her lips gentle and soft. If you add castor oil - then the effect of "wet" lips will appear. To prevent the appearance of cracks, the peeling of the lips, add almond oil into the brilliance. Useful additive - beeswax. The wax forms on the lips the finest protective film - it will save them from the sun, frost and wind.

Any jar of suitable size with a lid is suitable as a container for home gloss: Glass, porcelain, metal. For example, from the used cream, from purchased brilliance, etc. Over the lips prepared brilliance with a finger pad or a special tassel as desired - over lipstick or without it. Lip gloss makes independently professional makeup artists. Sometimes they share their secrets.

Very popular lip gloss made on the basis of chocolate. Cook its main ingredients: chip chocolate chips (half of the teaspoon), cocoa butter (three tablespoons) and one capsule of vitamin E. All mix, put into the container and melt, constantly stirring. You can warm in the microwave oven just a few seconds. Mix it thoroughly again - the gloss is ready. Give it cool at room temperature, spread in jars with a lid. Put a day in the refrigerator. Not used glitter can be stored in the lower section of the refrigerator to two months - it will save its caring properties.

Grenade home glitter in its unique qualities exceeds all industrial analogues. With him, your lips will get bright color, shine and look very impressive. This is due to the presence of a number of natural oils in the gloss: cocoa, almond, castor and beeswax - all on one teaspoon. To give a color, pour a teaspoon of any natural dye, depending on the preferred shade. Juices are suitable: pomegranate, beet, carrot, cranberry. Constantly stirring, melt the mixture in the microwave oven. For a larger effect, add some confectionery sequins. For fragrances - vanilla extract (a few drops).

Cocoa oil is difficult to find in the store. It will not hurt to prepare a pet-based gossip based on Vaseline. Support components: Vaseline, water, soluble lemonade, food dye, plate for compiling a mixture, packaging containers. Mix the lemonade and the food dye (one drop) in the bowl. Add water dropwise by constantly stirring until a homogeneous cleaner is obtained. We gradually enter Vaseline in a mixture. You must have a pasty gentle consistency without flowing from the lips. Preparation of containers.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure to use beautiful cosmetics, even if you are allergic or for other reasons you do not suit you purchased cosmetics for lips. They need care, nutrition, and they will not harm the bright color and sparkling shimmer. It is not difficult from the minimum number of natural products to create lip gloss, such as you can not buy in the store.

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