Homemade Lip Mask: Recipes

Homemade Lip Mask: Recipes

Lips are one of the most "outstanding" parts of our face: your interlocutor is watching on them (including the opposite sex), they are also seen by the random passersby, they are involved in the process of meals and kisses. That is, their appearance and state provides not only comfort, but also can play a decisive role in fate. Therefore, it is so important that the lips are smooth, healthy and elastic. But even the most innovative lipstick or brilliance cannot fully care for her lips, unlike household masons, which will cope with this task for all 100%.

Rules for the use of homemade lip masks

To lip mask reveal all its potential, remember the main nuances of its use. First, prepare the selected composition in the dish with a glass or enameled surface to eliminate unnecessary oxidation processes. Secondly, avoid recipes, which include aggressive ingredients in relation to thin skin - citrus, cucumber, spices, glycerin. But Vitamins A and E (in liquid form) we recommend adding. Thirdly, apply the compositions on the prepared lips - purified, for example, cosmetic cream or tonic. Remove the mask with a cosmetic disk or in case it serves warm water. Complete the procedure for applying a hygiene (lipstick or balsam). It is possible to carry out such masks if necessary (daily during the cold season) or 1-2 times a week.

Lip Masks with Protective Function

To prevent a negative impact on the lips of "street" factors (frost or heat, wind), make a 30-60 minutes before the rest of the preventive protective masks for lips. For example, to avoid dying or drying the lips to you will help the mask, where the base oil (butter or any vegetable) is used as the basis, sour cream or vaseline with adding liquid vitamins A and E. The same mask can be applied all night.

Wonderful lip masks

To return to the dry weathered lips, natural beauty, use masks with honey and / or lactic acid products. For example, to remove the peeling will help the mask from honey, where this sweet product in warm form is applied to the lips for 5-7 minutes, slightly massaged and washed off with water. You can add an equal amount of sour cream to honey. Also effectively softens the lips of the mask with cottage cheese and cream: Scroll through 1 tsp. Grease cottage cheese with 2 h. l. Cream (milk, any vegetable oil), apply a mixture on lips for 10 minutes.

Recipes for lip masks against cracks

Preventing the formation of cracks and wounds on the lips or help get rid of them with the help of masks, which include vegetables and / or fruits. We suggest you try simple, but effective lip masks with carrots and an apple. To prepare a mask with carrots, mix finely grated carrots with a small amount of olive oil. This composition will work for 5 minutes. Fruit apple mask is prepared as follows: Mashed out of a fresh apple mixed with a small amount of butter (in a melted form). Such a mask hold on the lips of 20 minutes.

Nutritional masks

Regular masks with fruit (banana, melon, watermelon, apricot) will serve as a nutritional "feeding" for the lips, where the selected product needs to be translated into a puree state and add some milk and honey to it. Apply such a nutrient mixture on lips for 10-15 minutes. You can also make it yourself a good nutritious lip cream, which retains its efficiency in storage conditions in the refrigerator until the week. The recipe for such a cream is as follows: Mix the melted pork fat and honey (1: 2), put the nutrient mixture into a separate container.

Soft masks scrubs for lips

To solve the problem of frequent peeling, we advise periodically to perform soft peeling using warm oil (any - basic cosmetic, vegetable, creamy) or melted honey. Apply the selected foundation on the lips and with a regular toothbrush (the better it will, the better) carefully massage their minutes or two.

Caring for lips is the same necessary procedure as a face care. Make masks, use balms, apply lips to lipstick or glitter (for anticipants of decorative cosmetics - hygienic lipstick) - and your lips will become an excellent addition to your irresistible smile.

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