Homemade Hair Lamination: Recipe

Homemade Hair Lamination: Recipe

Thick, silky chapels - the dream of all women. But, unfortunately, we often have brittle, secant tips, hair that cannot be laying. With such a simple procedure, like lamination of the hair of the house, you can make your hair shiny, smooth.

Mask composition

All masks for effective hair lamination at home are based on gelatin due to high content in its composition of protein collagen. This connecting material covers the damaged hair with a kind of protective film preventing bulk. As a result, the hair seems thicker and acquire a healthy look. The second effective component of the gelatin mask - Protein. He is responsible for moisturizing, hair nutrition.

Preparation of ingredients

Mask for homemade lamination is extremely simple. We will need:

  • gelatin;
  • balm;
  • water.

Cooking masks

In hot water, we spill the gelatin at the rate of 1: 3 (per 40 g of gelatin 120 g of water), mix. The longer your hair, the larger the volume of the mask will need. The resulting mixture should be placed in the microwave either to put on a water bath (10-30 seconds) to the complete dissolution of gelatin lumps. Then add 1 tablespoon of your favorite balsam to the resulting mask. The consistency of the mixture should be similar to liquid honey.

Preparation of hair

Before applying the mask should wash the head shampoo. It will help to reveal the hair scales for further mask getting deep into the hair structure. Then you need to slightly dry the head with a towel. As a result, the hair should be slightly wet, otherwise the mask will constantly flow, which will bring considerable inconvenience.

Application masks

Apply the gelatin mixture on clean hair, starting from the tips and not reaching the scalp to the skin by 2-3 cm, otherwise the hair will seem dirty. For a more uniform distribution of the mask, it is better to comb your hair comb with frequent teeth. It is necessary to wear a rubber hat, a film or a package and a terry towel. For a more tangible effect, you can warm the hair with a hairdryer through a towel. The mask should be kept from 60 minutes. Gelatin is easily flushed slightly warm water.


The effect of this gelatin mask will be visible immediately. The hair will become unusually smooth, shiny, obedient. The effect of "marked" strands will disappear. The mask can be applied every week, even if you wash your head daily. Protective film can be quickly flushed with hair only very hot water.

Advantages of lamination at home

With each wash of the head, the protective coating will gradually wash off hair. But the lamination made in the cabin is designed for only a few weeks. The difference is only in the expended means. Homemade lamination will lock the curls from various external damage, will help for a long time to forget about the problem of split tips, dry hair.

Homemade hair lamination with gelatin mask is a reliable, proven way to restore the damaged hair structure. Gelatin helps protect, strengthen hair, preventing further harmful effects.

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