Hair mask with gelatin

Hair mask with gelatin

The scorching sun and chlorinated water, close "friendship" with a hairdryer-iron-tongs for curling and excessive use of styling agents, improper nutrition and endless stress - all these factors have a negative impact on the condition of the hair. Return the chapelur former pomp and glossy glitter will help the gelatin mask.

Hair mask with gelatin is a budget alternative to expensive salon lamination. Rich in indispensable amino acids and minerals, the familiar food gelatin will help to significantly improve the condition of depleted, brittle and dull hair. Already after the first procedure of homely "gelatin" lamination, they acquire vitality and healthy radiance, become stronger, thick and silky.

Gelatin GL

The main advantages of the gelatine hair mask:

  • low cost and availability of components;
  • naturalness of the ingredients;
  • the possibility of using hair for all types (for painted and curled including);
  • Easy to use.

The household lamination procedure consists of three stages. The preparatory stage is the preparation of the basic gelatin mixture. In a small plastic or glass container, pour 1 tbsp. conventional food gelatin (it is important to use the product without additives and dyes), fill it with warm water (approximately 6-8 centuries) and mix thoroughly. After 5-7 minutes, gelatin will completely dissolve and become homogeneous consistency. Ready mass divide into two equal parts. Tip: For better dissolution of crystals, the composition can be slightly warm on a water bath.


The first stage of lamination. To 1/2 base gelatin mixture, add a shampoo (better use organic or children's) in proportion 1: 1. Mass thoroughly stirred and evenly apply on dry hair from the tips and to the roasting part. Then wrap the head of the food stretch film and a warm terry towel. After 40 minutes, wash the mask under warm running water (the shampoo is no longer necessary to use). Remember that wet hair requires the most careful ratio, so gently blocked them with a clean soft towel and proceed to the next stage of home lamination.


The second stage of lamination. To the remaining second half of the gelatin mass, add a rinse balm in proportions 1: 1. Ingredients thoroughly mix, the resulting mixture generously apply on wet hair. Try evenly distribute the balm mask for each strand, but do not rub the mixture in the roots and the scalp. Lock the hair under the film, top the handkerchief or a warm towel. After 40-120 minutes, wash the mixture with warm water, neatly massaging hair. Clean hair lightly blocked up with a soft towel and dried in a natural way - without a hair dryer and styling.


In the process of gelatin lamination, a peculiar restoration of the chapelurs occurs, each hairs is enveloped by an invisible elastic film. Due to this protective coating, the hairstyle acquires an additional volume, the structure of the hair is noticeably restored, they become elastic, shiny, smooth and less vulnerable to aggressive exposure to external factors.


How to conduct gelatin lamination at home? Here are our advice and recommendations:

  • to prepare a basic mixture instead of warm water, you can use boiled milk (for dry and damaged hair) or freshly squeezed apple juice (for fatty and mixed-type fatty and hair);
  • you can additionally add a few drops of natural oil, for example, almond, olive, argan, from germs of wheat, jojoba or avocado;
  • the remnants of the Mask-Balzam put into hermetic glass container and in the future use after washing hair instead of air conditioner (store the mixture in a cool, dark and dry place, for example, in the kitchen cabinet).

Gelatin oil

Repeat the procedure of gelatin lamination every month - and your hair will certainly tell you "Thank you"!

Comments leave a comment
Sasha 24/01/2020 at 15:52

I love masks with gelatin, but it is a pity that they can not be done often. For every day I use the serum resuscitation of Horse Force. He also makes hair smooth, shiny, they stop being confused


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