Lemon mask

Lemon mask

Lemon is the most common citrus fruit, about therapeutic and taste qualities of which almost everyone knows. Its composition is rich in ascorbic acid and a variety of microelements that contribute to the improvement of the immune system. Fruit is able not to just cure us from viral infection, but to significantly restore the health of our body. Of course, the hair is no exception, lemon juice is one of the most useful natural substances for tever. In order to correctly test it on yourself, consider some of the necessary tips.

The role of lemon juice in hair masks

Masks with lemon - an effective form of use of this citrus for hair recovery. The special properties of the fruit are as follows:

  • The lemon is most often used for fatty hair, because it cleans her hair well from the swing layer. Such hair holders need to use fruit with caution to not be cut.
  • The citrus helps get rid of dandruff and eliminates its prerequisites at the initial stage.
  • In the juice of the lemon, elements that are responsible for glitter and silkiness of the hair are laid.
  • Stable use of lemon masks accelerates the process of growth of the chapels.
  • Thanks to its unique formula, at the cellular level there is a softening of rigid particles of the hairproof, and our strands become very soft.
  • Lemon is a natural hair whitening. Its use allows you to lighten the curls at least one or two tones.
  • Citrus also stimulates the removal of the chemical composition of the scalp and hair leather after various cosmetic procedures.
  • The product eliminates all the bacteria on the skin.


General rules for use

In order to get due effect and not harm hair, we will study the following algorithm:

  1. Lemon cut in half.
  2. Let's squeeze the juice of halves of lemon.
  3. We apply it both throughout the length and on the roots of the chapelurs.
  4. Take the rest of the rind of citrus, and do massage movements around the perimeter of the scalp. This will strengthen the effect of the juice.
  5. Keep the mask for one hour.
  6. Smyvaem juice barely warm water, and after cold.
  7. If desired, the hair bleach should just wait until the liquid dries, but the hair should be in the sun.

Types of masks with lemon

Lemon is rarely used on their own for cosmetic procedures, hair care, it is recommended to be combined with other equally useful natural and natural ingredients. Here are some examples.

Lemon with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar - a great addition to the lemon juice, because it is a catalyst for it all the necessary processes. Mix three tablespoons of vinegar and the juice of half a lemon. Impregnating composition hair and waiting for about half an hour. Wash off with cool running water or chamomile broth. Curls perfectly cleansed of excess fat and shine, and their structure will be strong and supple.

Coconut-lemon mask

Coconut milk has long been used as a protective agent for our curls. When combined with lemon juice it is not only the cleaning effect, but also a kind of lamination hair. Each hairs first washed and then enveloped by a protective film. Hair becomes very fluffy and airy. To do this, one cup of coconut water, mix with the juice of one small lemon. Liquid is applied around the perimeter of the head of hair and look forward to when the mask dries. Further smyvaem cool water or decoction of calendula. Flushing is better to do a few times, the hair does not stick together.

Egg-lemon yogurt mask

For the mask take an egg and mix it until smooth. Add a couple of spoonfuls of yogurt and a little lemon juice. A mixture of smear hair and wait for the complete drying. Wash off the substance recommended herbal infusion. This treatment nourishes and strengthens hair roots, restores all the damaged areas on the curls.

Against hair loss

lemon juice, mix a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. To rub the composition into the hair and wash off with water after twenty minutes. To maintain the results repeat twice a week routine.

Beautiful hair can have every person. Importantly, do not forget about the simple and useful masked with lemon, which is not too difficult to perform at home.

Comments leave a comment
Varya 06.16.2021 at 13:44

I tried to do such a mask. Really well helps hair in normal condition. But so that they glisten and were silky, smooth, you need to take omega. I always choose orega 3-6-9 from Evalar, because it is more profitable for analogues, especially if the phytomarket is ordered in the online store. Hair every day is only more happy and pleasing.

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