Yolk hair mask

Yolk hair mask

You can maintain your hair in a beautiful and healthy form in different ways. Lovers of well-groomed chapels most often make a bet on expensive cosmetics that promise to make hair shining and lush. But few people think about the set of harmful additives included in their composition and bringing no less harm together with benefit. What can be replaced? An ordinary egg yolk will come to the rescue, which, despite its simplicity and publicly availableness, has a mass of useful properties. Consider more.

What is useful to yolk for hair

Chicken egg, and in the features of yolk - the most necessary component for hair care. It not only restores the hair structure, but also balances their fat, which favorably affects the scalp. The main property of this natural component is that it is a building material that eliminates all flaws and damage to the hair. The yolk perfectly smoothes her hair and gives the effect of silky, cleans to the shine, and the pair of yolks can replace the usual shampoo. How to make a nutrient mask from the yolk? We learn more about the recommendations for use.

Features of application

To extract the maximum effect from the masks from the yolk, pay attention to several interesting recommendations.

  • The right choice of yolk. Perfectly fit chicken poultry eggs. In them, the yolk is completely different than in the shop eggs. It is saturated with yellow with orange tump, its structure is homogeneous and without seals. Such a yolk is much useful.
  • Dimensions. The smaller the egg, the quietness of the yolk minerals is much larger. Therefore, we choose only small eggs of young chickens.
  • The masks with a yolk are not washed off by hot water, because heat only enhances the soap effect. The chapels will be sticky and on the form will resemble icicles. To wash the mixture to the end, only cool water or decoction of herbs should be used.
  • Yolk can be used both for hair roots and throughout the entire length, since this product does not make hair fat, but at the same time they do not overheat. For the scalp, it is especially useful, because it has a nutritional property and prevents the appearance of dandruff and peeling.

Hair masks from yolk

The yolk is perfectly combined with different products, no less useful for improving hair status. An example of this will be the following types of masks.

Mask for brilliance

Dissolve a small amount of glycerol in the yolk. Add a teaspoon of castor oil to the mixture, as many lemon juice and vinegar. Mix and carefully smear the hair with this composition. Watch your head with a towel or wearing a cellophane hat. Keep no more than thirty minutes. My head is a ramashkovy decoction. After the procedure, the hair will become shiny and strong.

Nourishing mask

Take one small bulb and grinding to the state of Cashitz. Egg yolk is repeated to homogeneous mass and add a tablespoon of honey. Connect the egg mixture with a bow and rub the mixture into the hair. We put on a special hat and wait for about an hour. After the incident, we wash off the shampoo mask or decoction from the calendula. This mask will enrich our hair with useful trace elements and relieve from the section.

For dry hair

For dry curls, a yolk mask with an admixture of the ray and archnite oil will be indispensable. We take each oil on the tablespoon and connect with the yolk. We distribute over the entire perimeter of the chapelurs, create a greenhouse effect with the help of a cap and expect no less than forty minutes. We wash off the remedy with cool water or shampoo. Yolk will adjust fat, and oils will remove all inflammatory processes and soften the structure of the hair.

For normal type of hair

There is a universal mask for all hair types. Yolk is divorced in a quarter of a glass of water and add a couple of tablespoons of cognac. So that the fluid does not spread, you can add some flour or glycerol. Apply the composition for only twenty minutes. We rinse your hair not hot water. Easiness and elasticity by our hair is guaranteed.

For oily hair

For hair with increased fatty yolk, it is customary to use with camphor oil. The mask is holding no more than five minutes, or it is possible to wash it immediately after applying. The hair will stop gloss, will become lush and soft.

Dandruff mask

Excellent prevention of pearl appearance is a yolk mask with lemon juice. But this mask can not be held for a long time, as it can cut hair. It is advisable to wash off the expiration of ten minutes. Improvement of the scalp and hair filling of energy can be felt immediately after the first procedure.

So we got acquainted with the main types of masks from the yolk. As it turned out to be a yolk for hair - a worthy alternative for replacing costly means, which is very simple to use. And how to extract the maximum benefit from it, we have already suggested useful tips.

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Zlata 16/06/2021 at 13:46.

If you take homely yolk, of course, the benefits will be huge, because these are useful fats. But this is again external care. For the inner, I can advise omega 3-6-9 from Evalar to take. It is the best price value and quality ratio, especially if you order a phytomarket in the online store. You still try to eat more wild fish. Hair very much need unsaturated fatty acids.

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