Black Hair Bread

Black Hair Bread

At all times, women cared for their hair. Even a hundred years ago, long, thick braids were appreciated. And in order to have such healthy strands, our great-grandmothers accounted for folk recipes. The beauties had a lot of secrets, they made masks and in a special washing hair, because then there were no ready-made shampoos, balms. In particular, there were masks from black bread at that time.

Properties of black bread

Rye bread in its composition has many useful trace elements, vitamins that have favorably affect growth, improve hair structure. The product has a lot of vitamin B, which serves as a strengthening agent for strands and treats dry, brittle hair. Masks from bread applied to washing the hair. Suitable recipe can be prepared for any type of hair.

The order of imposition of a mixture of rye bread

For the preparation of the composition, use only the crumb of bread. Do not prepare a mask in advance, make it immediately before the procedure. Apply the healing mixture is recommended in a specific order:

  1. On the unwashed dry curls impose a nutrient mask. Massage movements wrap it into the scalp.
  2. So that the makeup did not grow up, wear a hat from polyethylene.
  3. Top view warm handkerchief.
  4. You can wash off the mask or after about 35 or leave for the night, and wash my head in the morning.

Bread Masks for Various Hair Type

The basis of all vitamin compositions is similar - this is black bread and water. However, that the mixture approached with a fat or dry, breaking strands, other ingredients should be added to it. Which? We are now in detail and study.

Simple mixture to improve hair structure

After the first such mask you will see an improvement. Take three pieces of bread, cut the crust. Myakish Place in warm water. After 40-55 minutes, the composition is ready, you can apply on the skin and hair.

Bread Arbuz_kz (1)

Strengthening growth

In kefir, soak the rye bread and through time (1 hour) rub into the lap, keep thirty minutes. For this nutrient drug, two hundred grams of bread and half-liter kefir package - fatty does not matter.

Composition from loose hair

Two big spoons of pharmacy buried pour the cup of boiling water, leave to the chalk. Perfoliate infusion, heat. Fill them the black bread crumbs (200 grams), after 45 minutes, use. For these purposes, you can use nettle fees, roots of AIRA, mother-and-stepmother.

For fatty strands

Three slices of bread, soak in hot water, before applying to the head in Kashitsa, add a spoonful of freshly prepared lemon juice. Keep such a composition on the hair should be 25-30 minutes.

Mix for dry unhealthy hair

For the owners of brittle, depleted, dry kudrey, a mask is suitable, which add one of the listed ingredients: fatty sour cream, olive oil, honey, egg yolk. Interlock components are recommended in the amount of one tablespoon per 200 grams of black, operated in warm water, bread.

The composition for a healthy shining brilliance of strands

In two hundred grams of worked bread, pour a teaspoon of mustard powder, honey, one egg. Carefully beat the blender products. Use.

If you have problems with increasing hair, then masks from rye bread will help to cope with them. With regular use of therapeutic compositions for two calendar months, your chapelur will again become magnificent and will delight you with a healthy shine. Even passersby will not be able to keep their curiosity, will pay attention to your beautiful curls.

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Arina 05/10/2020 at 14:26.

Masks rarely do, but from the additives I can advise the marine collagen from Evalar. I advise you to take this brand, because the quality is good, the bioavailability is high, vitamin C is enriched for better assimilation. I myself take a long time and absolutely satisfied with the condition of the skin, hair nails .... Although, of course, I still do not forget about the vitamins, they are also very important.

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