Black camp

Black camp

To care for hair, seeds or black cumin oil are used as an anti-inflammatory, stimulating and antiseptic agent. The plant has a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair cover. The cumin oil has gained great fame - it relieves the inflammation of the epidermis, effectively acts with fungal diseases, helps strengthen the hair follicle and the rapid growth of the hair.

Black cumin was used to care for body and hair since the time of the hippocrates, about 3 thousand years ago. It was widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Big value has a black cumin oil obtained by a cold spin method, but you can take the plant seeds. The cumin oil has a greenish brown color, a little astringent taste and a noticeable smell.

Based on the oil of black cumin, you can cook hair mask at home. The composition of the cumin oil includes the following valuable components.

  • Zinc;
  • Vitamins B groups;
  • Carbohydrate;
  • Minerals;
  • Unsaturated Omega 9 and Omega 6 acids;
  • Phytosterols;
  • Vitamin E, A.

Black cumin essential oil is not used under undiluted, it can cause skin irritation and cause allergies. Approximately 2-3 of its drops are added to the vegetable oil-based (refinery, flax, olive). To prepare a cosmetic treatment agent, a combination of several essential vegetable oils will be the best option.

To enhance hair growth. The cumin oil activates the processes in the hair onion, strengthens the hair, contributes to their rapid growth. Locks become soft and obedient. First, pepper oil is applied on them, after 15 minutes it is washed off. In the second stage we apply a mixture of oils of black cumin and coconut.

With boxed tips. A mixture of cream, olive oil, a solid of black cumin in equal amounts is prepared. Emulsion is intensively rubbed into curls and scalp. The mask must be left on the hair on a quarter of an hour, then diligently wash the strands.

Hair literacy, dry scalp, dandruff appearance. When the dandruff appeared, the systematic use of a mask is recommended, which includes black cumin oil (1 tsp), rosemary (12 drops), kefir (150 g). The mask needs to hold on her hair for half an hour, making a light massage with your fingers.

Turning the appearance of seeds. Tmin protects hair from early aging, seeds and dropping, improving its structure. All this is possible due to the high biological activity of black cumin. In addition, its use is the prevention of skin diseases.

Strengthening hair. To prepare a mask to strengthen the hair, mix on a teaspoon of a castor and a rayan, tablespoon of the cumin oil, add 1-2 yolks based on the volume of hair. Mixed oils sewer and administer yolk. The tool is applied to the root part of the head with massage movements, washed off after 20-25 minutes.

To use chernushki seeds, they are crushed, mixed with a small amount of light vegetable oil, insist. Apply a mass on the hair, waiting for the mask gets dry, wash off shampoo. Recipe: 1 handful of seeds, 60 ml of nut and olive oil. The mixture is insist in a closed jar of 10-14 days, then fixed and removed the cake.

So, a homemade hair mask using black cumin may be no less effective than expensive procedures in beauty salons. It feeds and resumes the structure of hairs, heals the head of the head.

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Tanya 26/11/2018 at 15:20

In my bathing oils of Horse Fors, just eating black cumin oil, still avocado, grape bones, ylang-ylang and some other, which I do not remember)

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Sasha 24/01/2020 at 0:46.

Tanya, I have the same bathing. I like that it is easily washed off, hair after him is not fat

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