How to take black cumin oil

How to take black cumin oil

Butter black Cumin is used in order to lose weight, improve food exchange, cell regeneration. The result of scientific and laboratory studies has shown that in the seeds black Tmina contain anti-inflammatory, painful and antiseptic substances. Several tips for using oil will teach you to fight overweight and resist diseases.

Butter black Cumin is used for outdoor use and consumed as a biological additive. For the exterior, the squeeze is combined with other essential oils or are taken in pure form. Butter It is not recommended to take together with drugs from diabetes mellitus.

If Your teeth are hurting, gums or throats - pour a small amount of oil into the palm and rub into the skin in the neck area, then chin and jaws. In case of pain in the ears, you get a few drops into the oral sink. When dental pain on 1 tbsp. Chamomile beam Add 1 tbsp. l. Oil black Tmina and wechit the oral cavity throughout the day.

Butter black Tmina can take a headache, then you do not have to Pour the body with tablets. If the pain comes from the temple zone, then apply a few drops of oil on the desired area. Then three medium fingers slowly perform circular movements on the temples.

Butter black Tmina will protect your skin from aggressive sunlight . For this, it is enough to apply it to the open body, not rub. If you need to rehabilitate damaged Or dry hair, then mix the following oils:

  • chamomile - 10 drops;
  • jojoba - 30 ml;
  • black Cumin - 10 ml.

The resulting consistency thoroughly rub into the hair, then wrap the head with a terry towel and leave for 3 hours, and better at night. Remove the towel and wash the hair with shampoo. Also, black-cumin oil can be added to cosmetic facilities To strengthen nails and hair.

For Slimming use 1 tsp. Oil black Cumin in pure form or 1 tbsp. l. As a dietary supplement to the main dietary switch. This portion is sufficient to accelerate the metabolism, reduce blood sugar concentration. Also, cumin oil will reduce cravings to sweet, oily and flour, which will certainly affect the fast weight loss.

Wipe the black cumin by writing, if you have violated vision. After the procedure, perform circular rotations with eyeballs for warm-up eyes and uniform absorbing oil. For the night, drink a tablespoon of fresh carrot juice with 10- tew drops of oil black cumin.

For Flu prophylaxis Apply essential oil on the wings of the nose and a cotton wand lubricate inside. If you have a cough or you suffer from asthma, then rub in oil black Tine region of the chest and between the blades. In the morning, drink ½ h. Oils, and after 15 minutes of lime tea. With stomach disorder eat slice worm black Bread and drink 1 tsp. Oil black cumin.

At Rheumatism or pain in the back Preheated oil of Tumin intense movements rub into a sore place. Conduct the procedure before bedtime. If you have hypertension, add ½ tsp. in tea. Oil black Tummin treat sugar diabetes. It is enough to regularly use squeezing with food and add to drinks, as soon as you notice the health improvement.

In oil black Tmina contains about 85 % fatty acids. The rich composition of amino acids and phospholipidov vintelligent with macroelements, phytosterol and monosaccharides. Thanks to the saturated composition of trace elements, oil black Cumin improves the work of the cardiovascular system, restores the hormonal balance and normalizes lipid exchange.

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