How to take miller's oil

How to take miller's oil

The oil of the milk thistle is obtained from the corresponding seeds (thistle) by pressing. Rich chemical composition - fatty acids, vitamins A, C, D, E, K, F, Group B, micro- and macroelements, silimarine (flavonolyalkane) ensured the wide use of oil in pharmaceuticals, cosmetology and medicine.

You can get an oil from thistle at home or by contacting the pharmacy, to purchase a finished product (in capsules or in the form of oil in glass bottles).

Useful properties of milk oil

The main action of the product is restoration. Millar oil stimulates cell regeneration, normalizes the exchange processes in them. In addition, the seed squeezing will help the body to get rid of toxins, remove inflammation, will have a bactericidal effect, has an immunomodulatory property.

Military oil has a beneficial effect on the liver, being a powerful hepaprotector. The product reduces appetite, leads to the normalization of metabolic processes, hormonal balance, normalizes blood pressure. Chertopoloch oil improves vessel elasticity, strengthens the heart muscle, reduces cholesterol levels.

The inclusion of the drug in leaving facilities helps to strengthen the hair, nails, makes the skin cleaner and healthy, slows down the aging processes. The oil restores the secretion of the sebaceous glands, successfully opposes the acne rash, soothes the inflamed skin.

How to take miller's oil

A wide range of oil use led to the options for its use.

Outdoor application

Place appliqués with oils of milk thistle on burns, abrasions, cuts and regeneration of the skin will not wait. Application of oil on the skin area affected by dermatitis, allergic reactions, deprive, will save from the illness. We spend the procedure daily in the morning and in the evening. Durable eczema and ulcers are covered with a sterile napkin impregnated with oil. After a day, superimpose a new dressing. Course - 10-12 days.

Reception inside

The volume of oil consumption and its frequency depend on the target therapy.

  • When weight loss, the product includes a diet in the amount of 14 ml, breaking them into 2 receptions.
  • In the treatment of the liver, the gallbladder squeezing from thistle is used during eating - 8 ml twice a day.
  • In cases of violations of heart and vessels, hepatitis, cirrhosis, the number of product techniques should be increased to three times 4 minutes 40 minutes before meals. Course - 30 days. After that, take a break - 7 days. If there is an indication, the course is carried out again.
  • With a stomach ulcer - on a teaspoon an hour before meals.
  • In the fight against constipation, the use of oil 6 ml to meals (30 minutes) three times a day will help.
  • To strengthen the immunity, the product can be drunk on a teaspoon (5 ml) before eating 3 times during the day. Course duration - 1-2 months. Useful to use oil as refueling for salads, porridge.

Drafting, enema

  • In case of diseases of the colon, hemorrhoids are recommended to conduct microclism with the drug or the production of rectal turbas with the inclusion of oil. Before the procedure, free the intestine with the help of a cleansing enema. Oil volume for one procedure - 30 ml.
  • In the case of anal cracks, outer oil treatment is allowed.
  • For the treatment of inflammatory vaginal diseases, erosion use the syringe without a needle and enter the mixture of the oils of the tea tree and distillers (2.5 ml and 50 ml, respectively). The procedure is carried out at night, after it it is necessary to stand in the "Birch" position for 5 minutes. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor.

Enema (pear) rubber

Contraindications for oil terminals

Despite the indisputable benefit of the product, it uses a number of restrictions. Among them:

  • The intolerance of any of the components.
  • Jelly disease in the aggravation stage.
  • Acute cholecystitis.
  • Carefully handle the oil during pregnancy.

Milk oil is poorly combined with the reception of some drugs, so therapy with its use should be started after consulting a doctor.

Do not forget that the wheeled seed oil is used in complex therapy and is not an absolute alternative to drug treatment.

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