How to take a meal

How to take a meal

Spotilla is still known in the people as a frog or Maryn Tatarnik, it looks like a thistle, she is closest to him. The meal is a flour obtained after grinding plant seeds.

The main active substance-silimarine contained in the plant biologically active element has a very strong antioxidant effect. Silimarine is able to have a hepatoprotective effect on the liver, this was used by the ancient Romans. Currently, the millet is widely used to improve the condition of the liver, as well as treatment and prevention:

  • radiation disease;
  • diabetes and other endocrine diseases;
  • reduction of vision;
  • obesity improves lipid exchange;
  • has a diuretic effect, normalizes the work of the kidneys;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • different intoxication of the body, etc.

For use, you will need a meal of milk thistle or plant seeds, pre-seeds need to grind in a coffee grinder, if the meal is ready - no manipulation with it is not necessary. The list of diseases is huge, the treatment of a frog is appointed a doctor. Due to the lack of a universal recipe, there are only recommendations for cooking and use in food.

For the prevention, take one teaspoon of the shrot and eat on an empty stomach in the morning, picking a glass of water. Preventive course 1-2 times a year from 20 to 40 days. Children can only be applied after the consultation of the doctor.

Also, it is possible to take a dishistribution and as a decoction from the shrost. It was the decoction that appoints children. For cooking, take 30 grams of powder and floor liter of water. Cook on slow heat, until the volume decreases approximately half. Broth you can drink short time up to three weeks 1 tablespoon before meals.

For the preparation of alcohol extract, take 50 grams of powder and 500 ml of vodka. Components are mixed and insisted for two weeks in a dark place, sculpting daily. Take only the prescription of the doctor. 20-25 drops on a glass of pure water. Alcohol extract is contraindicated to persons up to 16 years and in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases.

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For tasty and useful tea, take 1 tsp. Shrot and brew 0.5 l hot water as simple tea. Let it brew 5-7 minutes and drink. Such a drink can be taken a wider list of patients, without contraindications. To eat before eating or night.

Also, flour from the milk is added to wheat flour, pre-mixing with bran, with such an additive baking is especially useful. Add a 1-2 teaspoon of shrotes into a salad or soup to strengthen immunity. Combined with the right nutrition promotes weight loss and normalization of lipid metabolism.

Contraindications. In general, the meal is no contraindications. With caution and with small doses, it needs to be taken to patients with the exacerbation of cholecystitis and biliary disease. Pregnant women, as well as during the lactation period, it is necessary to undergo a consultation of the therapist. The meal is natural, a natural, a common agent, practically harmless, contributing to health and longevity. Be healthy!

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