Tablets from vomiting and nausea, as taking

Tablets from vomiting and nausea, as taking

Sometimes at the most inopportune moment, a person may experience nausea, and after a time, and vomiting. Especially frustrating when such a reaction of the organism appears in or pleasure. The reasons for this process may be various factors. Depending on the characteristics of the pathology existence of emesis and treatment assigned. In some cases, enough to drink only one pill - and relieve nausea, as a hand. Let's take a detailed look into the matter.

The root causes of nausea and vomiting

Manifestation is usually accompanied by vomiting and more high salivation, dizziness, weakness, rapid heartbeat and sweating. Quite a serious condition, it is not easy to endure. To get rid of it, it is required to establish the cause of the disease. They are also in the medical list of a lot:

  • pregnancy (toxemia);
  • motion sickness in violation of vestibular function;
  • various infectious viral disease, gastrointestinal diseases;
  • stale food poisoning;
  • oncology;
  • strong, sharp abdominal pain cholecystitis, pancreatitis, acute myocardial infarction;
  • cNS pathology;
  • gastric and intestinal obstruction;
  • toxic drug poisoning, alcohol, poisons;
  • beam radiation.

Medications for nausea during pregnancy

Usually, nausea accompanied by women in an interesting position for twelve weeks. Sometimes struggle with a sense of self no strength. If you are vomiting 10 to 20 times per day, then you urgently need hospitalization. What pills to drink, should appoint only gynecologist. Do not make the appointment themselves, so as not to harm the crumbs.

Low-risk are the following drugs:

  • Hofitol. Take two tablets dissolve in one cup of water, take orally, drinking such a preparation preferably before meals, three times a day.
  • Coc Coklin. These pills must not be swallowed, but to dissolve, after their use, vomiting passes, dizziness, safe for mom and fetus;
  • Soothing (sedative) pills from hoody herbs hormour, mint, dyeing.

Many white tablets

Preparations from mental

In any pharmaceutical kiosk there is a large selection of funds from the tech. After all, such a disease is by no means uncommon both in adults and in children. Therefore, before a long trip, it is better to stock pills in advance.

The following means are well helped by violations of the vestibular apparatus:

  • Dramina. It has a number of contraindications, you can not drink such pills with nursing moms, pregnant women, kids up to a year, people with heart disease, one pill is enough for six hours of travel.
  • Aeron. Sometimes it provokes heartbeat, dry mouth, affects the sharpness of view, drink a tablet is necessary 25-30 minutes before the trip, the actions grabs for 6 hours.
  • Bonin will help with marine, air and other types of diseases, these pills do not need to swallow, they are designed to cute.
  • Coc Coklin. Do not drink pregnant women, children up to three years old, if you do not enter the list, then start drinking pills a day before travel, accept their three pieces per day and, when you go - drink by the same scheme.
  • Avia-sea. Sweet pills like candy, start to use to drive somewhere in an hour, and then during a ride (one tablet per hour, but not more than five per day), are contraindicated with small crumbs up to three years and pregnant women.

Effective funds in the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

In the pathology of the tract of the tract, doctors recommend taking funds that destroy the causative agents of the disease. These include antibiotics, nitrofurans. If the disease is caused by poisoning, the anesthesin helps from vomiting - allowed to drink even kids for temporary relief from vomiting. Before taking, you must consult with a specialist doctor.

Remember that vomiting, nausea can be a symptom of dangerous pathology. Therefore, do not treat yourself, consult your doctors.

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