How to take flukonazole with thrush

How to take flukonazole with thrush

If you rely on statistical data, then from the entire female population - the fourth part at least once in life, but faced with such an unpleasant disease as thrush or candidiasis. With incorrect treatment, the disease flows into a chronic stage and to completely get rid of unpleasant symptoms, it will have to try to trim. One common and affordable drugs for the treatment of thrush is flukonazole.

What is thrush

Candidiasis, she is the thrush (in common) - the disease is common. Norma Candida (this fungus) is present in the body of each person. If there is a reproduction reason, the fungus can cause unpleasant sensations. One of such diseases is thrush. A woman in the first hours of diseases feels in the field of genitals a strong itching and burning, and a little later discovers curly white seals from the genital tract.

Symptoms of thrush:

  • burning, strong itching;
  • swelling, redness of sex tract;
  • pain when urination;
  • unpleasant sensations with sexual interchange;
  • abundant white mercury secretions similar to cottage cheese.

About the reasons for the appearance:

  • Reducing the useful bacteria and an increase in fungal in the intestines and in the vagina.
  • Improper nutrition, abuse of fatty food, salt, acute.
  • Reception of hormonal drugs, as well as antibiotics.
  • Dysbacteriosis in the intestines.
  • Frequent dysfunction of the vagina.
  • Incorrect adherence to the rules of hygiene.
  • A sedentary lifestyle, wearing cramped linen (in particular thongs).
  • Frequent use of antibacterial agents for the care of the genitals.

How to treat thrush flukonazole

Now there are a wide selection of drugs in pharmacies that will help in the treatment of thrush. Different price range and application conditions forced the buyer to think. What drug to choose to get rid of unpleasant symptoms? Fluconazole is available at a price and quickly solves all the problems.

How to take flukonazole with thrush:

  • If you are sick for the first time, it is enough to adopt a fluconazole capsule once (dosage 150 mg). To secure the effect, in a few days or a week you need to take another capsule. All about the disease can not remember.
  • If the disease returned, then the dosage will already have to increase. The scheme is as follows: one capsule (150 mg) per day, the duration of treatment is 2 weeks, take 3 days, then break 3 days and for 14 days. To secure the result after treatment, it is necessary to take a break for 1 month, then 1 capsule every 30 days for 6 months.
  • If the thrush is caused by the intake of antibiotics, it is enough to take one tablet (150 mg).
  • Children are prescribed fluconazole in liquid form 1-3 mg per 1 kg of weight, starting with a one-year-old age. If the disease has acquired a systematic nature, then the dosage increases and ranges from 3 to 12 mg per kilogram of weight. The medicine is introduced very slowly.
  • Take flukonazole capsules, like all medicines: to drink with plenty of liquid. In this case, there are no instructions regarding the reception time. You can drink medicine after eating or between meals.

Fluconazole with thrush - Contraindications

Fluconazole is not suitable for all if there are such diseases, then the drug is prohibited:

  • an allergic reaction to the drug components;
  • renal failure, as well as hepatic;
  • heart diseases.

At the same time, take terphelanadines and cisaprid with fluconazole is prohibited.

With caution, it is necessary to take an antifungal drug to pregnant and nursing women, children under the 18th anniversary, as well as elderly people, over 65 years of age. In any case, Fluconazole is a strong enough drug and not to harm himself, before treatment, you need to pass the tests and consult with a specialist.

Side Effects from Fluconazole during pregnancy

Taking the drug for the treatment of thrush, the appearance of side effects is not excluded:

  • dizziness;
  • allergic reactions: rash by body, urticaria;
  • disorder of intestinal and stomach;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • convulsions of the limbs;
  • rarely: kidney and liver damage.

It is very important to take the drug according to the scheme that the specialist has developed in each particular case and does not exceed the specified dosage, and not to cancel independently receiving the drug, because it can cause the opposite effect. Be healthy!

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