There is a well-established opinion that only women suffer from the thrush. However, it is fundamentally incorrect - men are subject to this disease. And if a woman at the first unpleasant symptoms go to the doctor, then the man puts the visit to the doctor on "then". This article will tell you how a man can independently determine the disease and relieve his suffering.
Causes of the appearance of thrush in men
Mushrooms of the genus "Candy" is in the body of almost all people. But not all people face candidiasis - in common, he is called "thrush". This is a rather unpleasant disease diagnose in men with such a health problem:
- reduced immunity;
- insufficient level of microelements in the blood;
- diabetes;
- anemia;
- obesity.
Also, thrush may appear after severe stress, hypothermia, transferred by ORVI or flu. And of course, men suffer from Kandidose, who do not carefully observe personal hygiene or often change the sexual partner.
Manifestation of thrush in men
First of all, the thrush, as in women, is striking outdoor genitals. But if the body is too weakened, its signs can be noticed on the mucous mouth and lips - then the disease is called candidal stomatitis.
Since the thrush is mostly settled "below the belt", then clearly remember its manifestations:
- pain and burning in urination;
- feeling of penis;
- redness of the head;
- head swelling and extreme flesh;
- gray raid on the head of a member;
- a rather unpleasant suicide smell emanating from the genitals;
- strong itch.
Because of all these unpleasant manifestations, a man cannot have sex.
And if any of these symptoms can also relate to other diseases, then itching, the raid and the unpleasant smell certainly indicates the thrush.
To establish an accurate diagnosis, you must hand over the smears and consult with the doctor about the right treatment. Barsters can take a dermatovenerologist or an andrologist.
Treatment of thrush in men
When confirming the diagnosis of Candidiasis, the doctor prescribes special pills or ointments. Do not do self-medication. The fact is that there are several types of mushrooms Candida and everyone requires its antifungal drug.
When the symptoms of the alleged thrush are found, a man must quickly get to the doctor. Before that, you should not wash with soap. It is enough to wash the genital organs with clean warm water - soap can "lubricate" the picture of the analysis and it will not be reliable.
When the doctor prescribes treatment, together with the reception of medical preparations, you can wash the genital organs twice a day in such a way:
- 1 l warm water;
- 1 tsp soda;
- 4-5 drops of iodine.
Also to make a bath with a decoction of pharmacy chamomile. During the kneadings and the bath, you must move the extreme flesh and wash all the mucus and falling out of it. And of course, during treatment it is worth abandoning intimate intimacy with a woman or do it only in a condom.
What threatens the launched thrush in men
Quite often, the thrush in men manifests itself not very acute and he does not have a strong itch. Or sometimes a man independently begins to treat creams from fungal infection and manifestations of thrush. In these two cases, a man can calm down and not go to the doctor. But if the thrush does not cure competently, then she threatens to spread further:
- 1 Stage is candidal beamopostitis. At this time, pathogenic mushrooms are affixed only by the head of the penis and the inner part of the leftmost flesh.
- Stage 2 is candidal urethritis. Mushrooms will be seamless inside the urethra.
- 3 Stage - Candidal pinecases. Not only the genitals and the urethra, but also the kidneys and the bladder are affected.
Modern drugs that prescribe a doctor after examining the patient can cure a thrush literally in 2-3 days. If the thrush does not treat or do it not on time, then very serious problems with male health, including infertility, are possible.