How to treat the thrush in the baby in the mouth

How to treat the thrush in the baby in the mouth

Yesterday, your baby was lively and cheerful, I played and smiled with pleasure, my milk sued appetite. And today he cries and capricious, refuses to take the chest. First of all, look at your crumb in the mouth, if you saw a strange whitish flare, then it is for sure it is thrush. It is not worth it to be very scared, if you begin treatment in time, then everything will pass very quickly.

Symptoms of thrush in infants

It is possible to determine the thrush in children on their own, without the help of a doctor. Her signs are very clearly manifested, to confuse them with some other disease is impossible.

  • With a light form of the disease, you can observe in the areas of the oral cavity, the tongue, the sky or the cheeks, resembling curls. Such a hoist is easily removed, the child has no unpleasant feeling, the smell of mouth is not felt.
  • With the moderate form of the disease, a curly and film bloom on a red base is manifested, partially covering cheeks, solid sky, tongue and lips. Such a flaw is not completely removed, leaves after a bleeding surface.
  • Heavy face form of solid film flask, covering oral sheath, gum, cheek, soft and solid sky, tongue and lips. A flare when started, it will be possible to remove only a small amount, the whitish film will still be maintained, because it is firmly soldered with the mucous membrane. With this form, the defeat of the kids do not suck the chest and become restless.

The reasons for the occurrence of thrush in infants in the mouth

If the mother is infected with the thrush, then most likely, her baby becomes a fungus during childbirth, regardless of whether they will be carried out naturally or by cesarean sections. Signs of thrush listed during childbirth can manifest itself on the fifth day of the child's life, in the form of the defeat of visible mucous membranes. It all starts with the appearance of small point raids in the tongue, cheeks and more rarely in the sky, which gradually, if not starting treatment on time, will begin to merge into large raids.

For the development of thrush in infants, a favorable environment is a hot and dry climate in the room, where the baby is most often. As is known, in the mouth of every person, regardless of his age, are constantly present in a small amount of milbay of the thrush. Their pathogen growth helps to restrain special substances and immune bodies that are part of saliva. The thrush will not arise if saliva will be in sufficient to moisten the mouth mucosa. When drying it, which often happens in hot rooms, the thrush inconsistencies inconsistencies increase its population.

In addition, the thrush can provoke other circumstances:

  • Mechanical injury of the oral mucosa, cracks in the corners of the lips or on the gums.
  • Frequent joining.
  • Congenital immaturity of the oral mucosa.
  • Treatment with immunosuppressants, hormonal drugs or antibiotics, which are strongly weakened by the protective functions of the body of your baby.

How to treat the thrush in the baby in the mouth

Having found the curl spots of the plaque in his mouth in the mouth, you do not need to panic. The thrush is good to treat, the main thing is that you regularly conduct the necessary procedures until the baby is completely healthy.

Moisturizing air

Modern pediatricians, and even the well-known Doctor Komarovsky, believe that the treatment of thrush in the infants at an early stage does not need to use some antifungal agents. In their opinion, the main thing in the premises to normalize the humidity, and worry so that the child breathe only the nose. As soon as dry mouth disappears, the cracks will be lit and the mucosa will come to normal, then the growth of fungal formations will be reduced immediately and the white flare in the mouth will disappear. Such a self-describing will occur only if your baby's immunity is strong and is sufficiently developed.

Traditional methods of treatment

Children's doctors argue that the thrush in the launched form will not disappear by itself, limiting himself only by one humidifiers. However, resorting to other methods of treatment should not forget that the room should be sufficiently moistened anyway, even if your child is already healthy.

Traditional and reliable methods of treating thrush in infants:

  • The thrush can infect not only the oral mucosa, but also those places that mammies cannot see themselves. Therefore, it is better to contact the pediatrician who will hold a complete inspection of the baby.
  • With the initial form of the disease, local outer therapy is carried out - the foci of inflammation is neatly wondering and treated with special suspensions or solutions.
  • Pediatricians, to process foci of lesion, often discharge the suspension of Nistatin, can be prepared and independently: it is necessary to wrap it with a tablet and dilute in water. Processing with the mucous membrane should be carried out every 6 hours.
  • It is also often prescribed a 1% solution of clotrimazole, drugs caustain and candida, these drugs can be used no more than three times a day.
  • With a severe stage of development, when the outer therapy is ineffective, the infants are carried out with antifungal antibiotics.

Treatment of soda

There are cases when a visit to the doctor becomes impossible, for example, when the disease is overtaken under the weekend. Permissible to start the treatment yourself to facilitate the condition of your baby.

  • You will need a soda solution. In the glass, pour the teaspoon of soda, pour with warm water and wait until everything is well dissolved.
  • From gauze or wide bandage, prepare a napkin, moisten it in solution and very carefully and gently wipe the tongue and the inner surface of the mouth. Do not try to remove the white flare, because under it hid inflamed stains.
  • Such procedures should be made five times a day every three hours a few days.

Several useful tips

  • Feeding the child before giving him a pacifier, be sure to rinse it in solution, you can use those that we have listed before.
  • Do not be lazy to boil all the toys that the child is played and which can pull in the mouth. We hope for nipples and bottles to remind you, because they need to be boiled constantly.
  • Momchka before each breastfeeding and after it you need to rinse it with a honey or soda solution.
  • With timely treatment and proper care, the signs of the thrush will disappear after three to four days. However, you have appointed a course of treatment, despite the improvement of your child's condition, you need to end.

The thrush in infants is not a terrible and dangerous disease, but it is necessary to treat it. You can get rid of it on your own, but if you are afraid or not confident in your treatment, better consult a doctor.

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