How to treat ulcers in the mouth

How to treat ulcers in the mouth

Almost every one at this or that time of his life came across the problem of the appearance of white yazens in the oral cavity. To a greater extent, they are not contagious, and their treatment is aimed at eliminating discomfort and pain when talking and receiving food. These formations can be caused by an injury of the mucous membrane, the reception of acidic products (citrus, tomatoes, etc.), or they are the local manifestation of the overall disease. The formation of white ulcers in the mouth has the name of the aphthous stomatitis.

Symptomatics of white ulcers in the mouth

The inflammatory process begins with an unpleasant tingling and burning process, after which a painful ulcer is formed with a size of 1 mm to 1 cm. In the most difficult case, it is possible to feel overeating, as well as fever may occur.

Are there means for treating white yazens in the mouth?

Fortunately, there are quite a few ways to treat this disease. They are aimed at removing the inflammatory process, elimination of discomfort and reducing pain.

Calendula treatment

A simple and not expensive way to treat an ulcer is rinking the cavity of the oral rope of calendula. It helps to relieve inflammation, and is also an excellent healing agent.

To prepare a healing brave, pour one tablespoon of dry flowers or a package of pharmacy calendula with one glass of boiling water and cook 10 minutes on low heat. After the calendula cooled, proceed to rinse. The more often you will spend this procedure, the sooner you will achieve healing of ulcers.

Fast getting rid of ulcers with milk and eggs

  • Pour half of the glass of milk.
  • Add one yellow chicken egg to it and a teaspoon of honey.
  • Mix all the ingredients before uniformity.
  • Lubricate this mixture with sore places 3-4 times a day.

Thanks to this simple method, ulcers in the mouth are usually healing for 3-5 days.


Treatment of yasels yarrow with honey

  • Grind fresh yarrow.
  • With the help of gauze squeeze juice.
  • Mix juice with honey.
  • We drink 3 dessert spoons per day for three weeks.

Salt solution from painful ulcers

  • Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.
  • Two times a day we use saline solid for rinsing.

The fight against ulcers in the mouth with medicines of local applications

If you are tormented by very sharp pain, you can buy ointment in the pharmacy, gels with the effect of numbness. A good tool against stomatitis is the ointment of the craft. It has lidocaine, which is acknowledged, and a chamomile that removes the inflammatory process. This ointment is very effective, it is prescribed even to the infants when teething.

Mazi-from Stomatitis

Yazovki in the mouth can appear at any time, but most often their cause becomes a disease or stress. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system, prevent the lack of vitamins, to avoid strong emotional loads, then, most likely, you will be able to protect yourself from this irritant, painful phenomenon.

Comments leave a comment
Alina 12/28/12 at 1:27

And who do you treat ulcers in your mouth? Again there was one ((but where one, then there will be there.

faith 12/28/2016 at 11:47.

Alina, before when they appeared, these ulcers, I rinsed the oral cavity. That chamomile, then I bought some kind of tool in the pharmacy. Now I have for such cases of Aftofiks, the Swiss remedy that Mashaty is on the yazelka, it is covered with a film and heals pretty quickly. Ask the pharmacy if it is, then buy, the truth will help.

Martha 18/04/2017 at 12:18.

In most cases, so stomatitis manifests itself, I know. Recently, it came across: stomatitis-treatment. RF - there is a lot of information about stomatitis and its proper treatment.

Milan 08/08/2017 at 12:52.

I only save about Aftofix. With him, at least you can. I always have ulcers after seeds

Elena Viktorovna 12/08/2017 at 0:35.

all the same, the fastest passed stomatitis from rinsing with hydrogen peroxide and then on ulcers, a thick Cream of Aftfiks, very quickly without pain and discomfort.


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