How to treat flux

How to treat flux

Such an unpleasant and rather painful disease, like flux (it is also periostitis), may arise due to the bruise affected by the carious tooth or the inflammation of the cavity between the gums and teeth. One way or another, the reason for infection. It is accompanied by the appearance of a bump with a purulent bag, edema of tissues and mucous membranes, pain of various manifestations and forces, in high temperatures. With exacerbation, pain can go to the ear. Saving visits to the doctor is extremely undesirable. And until this point, make inflammation and the pain will help several methods and recipes.

Food soda is suitable for reducing inflammation. You need to pour it a teaspoon on the mob. Throw some warm water and wrap so that the mass does not fall out. Attach to the patient and keep one or two hours. You can make a solution of soda and salt. They should be taken on one teaspoon, pour 300 ml of boiling water, cool and rinse your mouth every hour or two. Used for this purpose and flax seeds. It is necessary two handfuls of seeds to put on a hot frying pan, mix, and then wrap in a linen rag. Touching it with a thread, the resulting bag with warm seeds should be attached to the field of flux.


It is very unpleasant to taste and smell, but very effective: you need to take a teaspoon of salt, sugar and black pepper. Add half a glass of table vinegar. The resulting mass is added in 350 ml of warm water, stirring. Rinse is needed several times a day. It will not be superfluous and put between the cheek and a sick gum slice, keep which needs about an hour. Pain will help remove garlic, cut on slices or grated. It should be attached to the opposite hand side of the flux (wrist) and secure the bandage. In case of acute pain, you can resort to the infusion of root grass. 20 grams of it pour a quarter of liters of boiling water, we give cool, and then apply infusion in the form of rinsing.


Anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, spasmodic actions have a number of herbs. In particular, sage. The tablespoon is poured half a half glasses of boiling water, half an hour insist, cool the mouth every and a half hours. You can use vodka instead of water, only in this case you need to increase the time of insteading. In the resulting tincture, it is not superfluous to moisten the vaccine and attach to a problem site. Sage can be replaced by calendula. The proportions are the same as using water and with vodka. Pharmacies for sale and ready tincture. When ringed, the liquid is desirable to keep on the sore side of seconds to 20. The oak bark has the same properties that the hour and a half should be insteaded by two tablespoons at half a liter of hot water.

As an antiseptic and for removing the bogged pain, a decoction of the roots of AIRA Bolotnaya is recommended. In 500 ml of boiling water, add 3 st apes of finely chopped roots, boil for 40 minutes. Use it is warm when rinsed. To help accumulating in Mouth, to break through, at night you need to abundantly lubricate the sore spot from the inside and outside with honey, preferably Lipov, make gauze, secure the bandage or bandage. Upon reaching the result, be sure to use the tincture for disinfection, the cavity of the mouth. For the same and finely chopped leaf aloe, mixed with two teaspoons of Cephela. This mass must be placed on the wound and keep at least an hour. At the same time, saliva can not swallow. Also, when the flux is recommended, there are more lemons and strawberries.


All these folk remedies are able to alleviate pain and relieve inflammation, but the problem will remain. Therefore, it is necessary if possible to consult a doctor.

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