How to treat intestinal inflammation

How to treat intestinal inflammation

The causes of the intestinal inflammation are quite a lot. This is due to various factors, for example, with allergies to some products, weakening immunity, physical or mental overvoltage, intestinal infections, alcohol abuse and laxatives, vitamins and fiber deficiency. Quite often is a consequence of treatment with antibiotics. Showing the abdomen, diarrhea, cracks in the corners of the mouth, constipation, stomach pain, sweating. It is necessary to stop the development of the disease to avoid possible complications.

It is necessary to exclude factors contributing to inflammation. Limit the amount of refined, acute food in its diet and alcoholic beverages, milk, potatoes, eggplants and mushrooms, reduce physical activity, normalize the routine of your day, avoid stress, be sure to wash your hands before eating, drink only boiled or purified water. It is recommended to use more vegetables, fruits, fresh greenery, bran and soy products. Fill the lack of vitamins and calcium. It will not be superfluous to receive activated coal on one or two tablets no more than three times per day.


In the normalization of intestinal flora, herbal teas will help to drink at half pasta three or four times a day, preferably in an hour and a half before meals. This recipe: take two teaspoons of yarrow and daisy flowers, one teaspoon of sage. Pour the mixture with two glasses of boiling water, and then laughed within one and a half hours, strain. Another one: there is a teaspoon of wormwood, two Hypericum and birch leaves, all this is brewed half a liter of hot water. It is half an hour and fastened. Warming compresses consisting of vinegar and water, in a 1: 1 ratio.


With constipation, it is very useful to use one teaspoon of the juic onion juice, make it before meals, from two times a day. Helps and dried in the morning a tablespoon of unrefined vegetable oil (on an empty stomach). No less well acts such a means: you need to take two hundred grams of prunes, figs, kuragi, fifty grams of senna and three small leafs of aloe. All ingredients are thoroughly grinding, small balls roll from the resulting mixture. One to eat before bedtime.

Diarrhea can help the following. Half of the rice glass is boiled in a water liter for half an hour on a small fire, a slightly cooled resulting decoction is fastened. Accepted on a third of a glass. Preferably at least every three hours. At night, you can swallow a dozen black pepper peppers. Having shot a glass of water and not sinking them. The fastest method of termination of diarrhea is one teaspoon of dry wood welding of black tea. Maintaining several sips is not very cold water. Suitable for this and tablespoon of potato starch. No less effect and pomegranate peel. It needs to be crushed, take two handsels at half a liter of water. Cook on low heat for twenty minutes. Take two tablespoons for half an hour before meals.


If folk remedies do not help, pain is intensifying and the chair is not normalized, do not tighten with the appeal to the doctor.

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Yana 04/05/2020 at 14:03

Long time I suffer in stomach pain, the intestines of the patient still from the student. Although I try to eat right, but sometimes I am writing from pain in the evenings.

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Leonid 06/05/2020 at 0:02.

I have several years already, I'm very worried about the intestines, it is weaker. For the last time the doctor prescribed one drug, the intestine antibiotic Alpha Normix helped well, now I think I can drink it myself when it grabs.

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