How to treat gastritis

How to treat gastritis

Gastritis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach. The factors affecting its development can be called disorders of metabolism and nutrition, abuse of acute and too hot food, alcohol, an uncontrolled intake of medical preparations, hereditary predisposition, toxicoinfection, violation of the CNS activities. Accompanied by such symptoms as heaviness after meals, nausea, a decrease in appetite, dizziness, heartburn, soreness in epigastria, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, chair disorders. A more than a third of the population is subject to him, but there is no danger with timely and complex treatment.

To diagnose the disease, revealing the cause of its occurrence, contact a gastroenterologist, after passing the tests and passing of some procedures (gastroscopy, biopsy of the gastric mucosa, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, etc.) you will be prescribed the appropriate therapy, if necessary, select a diet. As a rule, enteroseptol, Levomycetin, Kaolin, Atropin, Althal, Altacid, Vicalin, Festal, Gastretepin, Gastritol, Solisim, Pancreatin, Abomin, Penzital, Enzistal and other necessary drugs are prescribed. Remember that drug-based aircraft can only aggravate the situation. Not excess will be the use of activated carbon. Treatment to start specialists are recommended from cleansing the intestines and stomach.


An important role in the fight against this disease plays compliance with diet. In the first days, refrain the possibilities from meals, drink unsweetened black tea, Borjomi, roshovnik's decoction. On the second or third day, eat the rice and manna porridge, low-fat broth, drink Kisel. Then you should choose a gentle power mode, using low-fat, non-hard products, better warm. Refuse hot, sharp, salt, fried, rough and dry food, carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee. Exclude sour fruits, onions, cucumbers, cabbage, turnips, radish, spinach, sorrel, mushrooms, millet, barley and legumes from the diet. If you have increased acidity, give preference to boiled fish, milk soups, stewed vegetables, if low-rig meat, low-fat meat, fermented dairy products. Try to normalize your chair. Help in this juices. With constipation - carrot, beet, apricot, with diarrhea, pomerate and pear, as well as from black currant.

Once a day, thirty minutes before meals, use a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil. It is recommended to do it for a month. With increased acidity every day to breakfast, take several spoons of potato juice, and with reduced - prepare and eat chambers of blueberry leaves, plantain, Hypericum. Increase the acidity you like this tool: take in equal parts of the crushed leaves of aloe and honey, mix and insist a week, then drink an empty stomach in the morning on the tablespoon. Remember that the plant should be at least three years, and before cooking leaves it is better to hold in the refrigerator. For the same purpose it is recommended to drink goat milk. Or take on a tablespoon of daisy flowers and yarrow grass, mix, let's breed half an hour and drink like tea. Rinse the mustard seeds and swallow, not chewing, in the morning on the tablespoon, it follows a half months.

Potato juice

Take two tablespoons of blueberries leaves, the plantain of Great and Hypericum, pour a liter of boiling water, insist two hours, cool, strain, take three times a day of 50 ml. To remove the stomach spasms, two teaspoons of yarrow colors will fill 200 ml of boiling water, let it stand up, consult during the day. In erosive gastritis, pain relieves pain and normalizes the intestinal work of such a recipe: take 200 grams of oats, pour half liters of boiling water, put on fire and wait for the amount of water to reduce twice. Decoration, add some milk, drink a glass per day. Increases acidity and such a means: scroll through the horseradish, mix it with honey or sugar, take a teaspoon daily before eating. For the treatment of chronic gastritis, try such a means: finely torn leaves of lettuce lathouse, a tablespoon will brew a 200 ml of boiling water, insist one and a half hours, strain, drink in two receptions. The decoction of lion seeds is very effective, prepare it from the calculation - two tablespoons on half liters of water.


Remember that the launched gastritis can lead to more serious diseases, in particular, to malignant tumors.

Comments leave a comment
Louise 05/03/2021 at 18:05

I think the most effective treatment-sparing power to restore the mucous membrane and the reception of Helinorm to destroy Helicobacter. I myself did it, helped. Analyzes are better, pain passed ... And there are no sides, which is especially pleased. Everything is possible, only a comprehensive question is needed to approach.

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