How to treat Colpit

How to treat Colpit

Colpit, it will vaginitis, is inflammation of the mucous membrane. The representative of the fine sex of the reproductive age is subjected to him. The pathogens may be such infections as hemophilic stick, streptococcus, chlamydia, staphylococcus and others. The development of the disease is a consequence of violation of the natural microflora of the vagina. The factors contributing to the occurrence of collision include infections that are transmitted by sexual path and other, mechanical damage and dysfunction of the mucous membrane, some of the diseases of the endocrine system, long-term antibiotics, allergies (on latex, for example), anatomical violations in the vagina, non-compliance Intimate hygiene.

To get rid of the collision, it is recommended to use comprehensive treatment, which may include antibacterial and physiotherapy, diet, reception of drugs to increase immunity, dying, using various vaginal baths, appliqués and candles. Folk remedies in the fight against this inflammation are also effective, but together with the use of traditional methods of therapy. Do not get involved in self-medication, visit the gynecologist. Depending on the form of collision, you can assign nolicin, betadine, dalacine, clindacin cream, wagotyl, pimafucine, terjinan, vocadin, ketoconazole, clindamycin, metronidazole, ceftriaxone. In the blue, the vaginas are assigned an individual, angelica, solidin candles. For the period of treatment, exclusions exclude sexual contacts. A permanent partner should also undergo a course of therapy.


Salt, sharp, smoked and too fatty dishes from their diet. Limit the use of salt, alcohol, flour products. Try daily eat fresh fruits, stew vegetables, dietary meat, fermented dairy products. Observe personal hygiene, take a contrast shower. In winter, the warmer dress. At the initial stage of the disease, such a recipe can help: Take two tablespoons of Calendula and Hypericum flowers, mix, filter half liters of boiling water, let it brew for two hours, then strain. Use twice a day for scriptures. And for use inside, mix the grass of the color and the gold male (on a tablespoon of the dining room), add a glass of steep boiling water, strain and drink for two receptions. Do so for a week.

Effective for scrustling the following decoctions. In 800 ml of hot water, add two tablespoons of chamomile flowers, boil ten minutes, straighten through the gauze, cool. Or mix on a spoonful of sage, oak bark, daisy flowers and mallow, pour a liter of boiled water, insist an hour. This infusion can also be used for vaginal tampons. With severe pains, filter 600 ml of boiling water 50 g of coltsfoot or blackberry leaves, let it stand for a couple of hours, then strain. Use two or three times a day. Pretty effective and such a recipe: twenty grams of sage, medicinal rosemary, oak cortex, millenka mix, add one and a half liter of water, boil twenty minutes, then strain. Apply in the morning and in the evening ten days. For douching, alcohol solution of propolis is suitable, just make sure you have no allergies.

Infusion of Romashki.

Calendula flowers, daisies, coltsfoot, sage, Yarrow, Hyperoban, use for the arms. To do this, prepare such a tool: Stodit the half-tape on the grater, fill the liter of boiling water, insist in a warm place day, then strain. Or mix in equal parts of glycerin and bow juice, this is a means to use for two weeks. For vaginal tampons, sea buckthorn oil is suitable, keep them about twelve hours. Recommend and such a recipe: Take two tea spoons of coltsfoot and the roots of Aira, one - nettle, thyme, a hunter, get a mixture in the thermos and pour half liters of boiling water, leave to insist on the night, and in the morning straighten and drink three times in a day. After the end of treatment with antibacterial agents overwhelming the microflora of the mucous membrane, use drugs capable of restore the normal level of lactobacilli. For example, lines, acilakt, bificol, bifidumbaterin candles, lactobacterin. Regarding the duration of such therapy, consult your specialist.


Remember that the launched colpit can lead to more serious pathologies, in particular, to endometritis, infertility.

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