Gone voice how to restore

Gone voice how to restore

Suddenly become the owner of a husky, hoarse vote or even at all, anyone, regardless of gender and age, can lose it. For reasons that contribute to the emergence of such an unpleasant situation in the form of inflammation or overvoltage of voice ligaments, a number of factors are counted. The most common include viral or infectious diseases, laryngitis or pharyngitis, allergic reactions, hidden pathologies, intense speech load, supercooling, and even banal stresses. Consider ways to get rid of this ailment.

If such a trouble happened to you, consult a doctor, because the reason may be quite serious. With colds, you will be prescribed by appropriate drug therapy, physiotics, for example, electrophoresis, advise lubricity ladies and almonds by Lugola. In case of suspected any pathology, the therapist will addate directions to the necessary personnel, since Aphony can be a symptom of hypothyroidism, a stenosis of a mitral valve, etc. You may need to pass the tests necessary to diagnose the disease, make an ultrasound. If the cause of voice loss served as a breakdown or overvoltage of voice ligaments, you may need consultation of the phoniatra.


To prevent relapses, try to get warm in cold weather, less nervous, control your emotions, take breaks if your specialty implies a long conversation. During treatment, you should reconsider your diet, eliminate salty, sharp dishes, citrus, seeds and nuts, chips and crackers from it. Send food only in warm form. Eat garlic, having preheated it to a couple. Temporarily give up tea, coffee, soda, and any alcoholic beverages. Drink more horses, milk with butter and honey, brazers, such as rosehip, sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, mint and melissa. To prepare the latter, pour the tablespoon of the existing grass with a glass of boiling water, insist an hour, then strain. Prepare such a drink: In 150 milliliters of carrot juice, stir a couple of tablespoons of honey, drink in the morning and in the evening. Or such: Mix half a glass of a bit of heated milk with one yolk, drink overnight.


During the treatment period, insulate the area of \u200b\u200bthe throat with warm, preferably woolen scarf. At night, apply compresses from warm cottage cheese or sunflower oil. It will be worthwhile to use inhalations, make them with daisy flowers, calendula, oak bark, souls, atrochemus, soda and honey, sea buckthorn, thyme, eucalyptus, mint, sandalwood, chassing, brewed seeds of dill. Try such a way: Mix in equal parts honey (better take the lime) and aloe juice, hold the spoon of such a means in the mouth until complete absorption, do so desirable twice a day. Or such: boil one past reverse to one and a half glasses of water for fifteen minutes, then cool down, strain and consume a day.


Be sure to clam the throat of scales of various herbs, suitable chamomile, a chamber, nettle, oregano, calendula. For the same, use salt and iodine solution, potato or cabbage juice, whipped egg protein (preheat it in a water bath). You can also add a spoon of apple vinegar into a glass of beet juice, but this means of the throat is cozy at no more than two times per day. Effective in the fight against Afonia such a way: a spoonful of grazing germy filled with 100 ml of boiling water, insist half an hour. Divide into three receptions and use, mixing with a teaspoon of honey. Resort to this tool: in half the milk challenge boil the carrot, strain. Drink it and get them throat.


Come responsible for the treatment of this ailment, since non-timely taken measures can lead to more serious health care.

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Kristina 05/16/2017 at 11:07

I have to talk much to work with customers, and sometimes I don't even have time to relax, by the end of the day, it happens that there is no voice. Stringing the throat only in the evenings, it does not work at work, and so I absorb the homeovox and the voice is rapidly restored. It and for prevention can be taken, the composition is natural.

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