How to apply aloe

How to apply aloe

The healing properties of Aloe are known since ancient times, even Cleopatra applied it to maintain the youth and beauty of his face, and with Alexander Macedonian wounds he was heard. This plant contains enzymes, essential oils, a whole complex of vitamins, amino acids and minerals, anthraglycosides, lignins, polysaccharides, salicylic acid, phytoncides and many other healthy and beauty of our body. It is used both in folk and in traditional medicine, in cosmetology. Consider in what cases we can feel its miraculous properties on themselves.

Please note that the leaves should be taken only from plants that are at least three years old, and the lower, and before using them it is better to withstand some time in the cold, wrapped in cellophane. Better to laugh them, and do not cut off the stem. For recovery after disease, improvement of digestion Use such a means: 150 ml of the meal juice, 250 grams of liquid honey, 300 ml of red wine Mix, insist less than five days, take three times a day on a spoon. With a weakened immunite and exhaustion of the body, try it: the walnuts are crowded, add the juice of three medium lemons, 150 ml of aloe juice, 250 honey, mix thoroughly. Use a teaspoon twice per day. During the cold, droplets of the juice of this plant will help - three in the nostril daily, for a week.


If you suffer chronic gastritis or gastric ulcers, half an hour before lunch and dinner take the dessert spoon of juice from the leaf of the metering. You can increase acidity in this way: in equal parts made honey and crushed aloe leaves Mix, insist about a week, take in the morning, on a tablespoon. With strong headaches, rub the whiskey juice. For the removal of warts, apply Cashitz to them from the scarlet leaves. He will help to get rid of cough, for this mix it in equal parts with honey and lingonberry juice, take four times a day on a teaspoon. With angina, Laryngitis will divert aloe juice with warm water and wechit the throat with this solution. After that, add a spoon of the same juice into a glass of milk and drink. A slice of the leaf of this plant, applied to the patient's teuba, is able to remove pain syndrome.


When constaling, use this tool: a glass of honey warm and add one crushed scarlet leaf, let the mixture standing the day. Use once a day on a teaspoon. Lubricate the droplets of the meal and herpes juice. After the suffered infarction, it will not be superfluous to take such a decoction: four spoons of dried fruits pour boiling water with a glass, add two spoons of juice and give a little broke, drink during the day. For the speedy healing of wounds and ulcers, prepare such ointment: Measproof juice mix with the same amount of liquid honey, add a spoonful of alcohol to a 150 ml of the mixture. And to get rid of barley, you should apply a compress with diluted water (approximately one to ten) with a juice leaf juice.


Recipe Masks for dry skin: In equal parts, take glycerin, a meal juice, honey, oatmeal, add a bit of warm water, beat everything with a blender, hold twenty minutes on your face. This mask is rejuvenating: two tablespoons of the meal and liquid honey juice are mixed, apply half an hour to face. Anti-inflammatory: Mix on a spoonful of blue or white clay with scarlet juice, apply on a face on a quarter of an hour. It will help you juice and in getting rid of dandruff, hair loss. It should be wiped into the head of the head twice a week, you can add to the shampoo. Lubricate them and hair tips if they are seed.


From treatment with this plant, it is worth refusing to pregnant, suffering cystitis, gallbladder diseases, liver, hemorrhoids that have neoplasms at high pressure.

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