How to rejuvenate face

How to rejuvenate face

The aging process is avoided, unfortunately, it is impossible. Many factors also contribute to its acceleration, for example: lack of proper preventive care, improper nutrition, stress, overwork, poor ecology, lack of sleep. All changes are reflected in the first place on our face, that some of the representatives of the beautiful sex introduces in despondency. And in vain, because you can and you need to fight, because there are many tools for this, the main thing is not to be lazy. If you wish to rejuvenate your face, take off for a couple of months, and a few years, just be patient, as work is quite a lot.

Since neither a magic wand, no wonder elixir for rejuvenation has not yet invented, you have to become the most faith and return youth. You will need to launch the regeneration process, raise the turgor of the skin, remove the swelling, unload lymph nodes, get rid of toxins, smooth out small wrinkles, remove the hypertonus and strengthen the facial muscles. Avoid stress and depressions - it is a direct path to premature aging. Forget about the night lifestyle, sleep at least seven hours. If possible, avoid direct rays of the sun, hiking into the solarium. In the winter before entering the frost, use protective creams. Try to sleep on your back, because lying on the stomach or side, you break microcirculation, especially in the eye area. Although it is difficult, but use less cosmetics, it is especially true for tonal creams and powders. In the morning and in the evening, clean the skin of the face, better with the content of milk, fruit, lipoova, salicylic, glycolic acid. Waking up, wipe the face with ice cubes, you can with the addition of medicinal herbs or lemon juice.


To really transform, pay attention to your nutrition. Include in the diet of sea fish, seafood, avocado, grapes, strawberries, currants, kiwi, peaches, oranges, pomegranate, broccoli, legumes, garlic, batt, red onions, spinach, tomatoes, eggs, cheese, yogurt, nuts, bitter chocolate, Honey, olive oil. Drink more green and herbal teas (from daisy flowers, melissa, mints), non-carbonated water, ragger rosehip. But from coffee and black tea, as from alcohol, better refuse. Throw smoking. You may have pleasure from this habit, but also older than twice as fast. Cosmetology facilities for face care There is a huge amount, and only you choose them from the presented brands. Watch only that they approached the skin type, contained phytoestrogens, hyalurone and linoleic acid, peptide complex (matrixyl, argerine), vitamins, retinol. Use not only creams, but also moisturizing tonic, serums, make peeling scrubs. Do not forget about the regular massage of the face.


Take advantage of oils to fight age. It is well suited based on roses Masicaets, Argan, Primulus (from Enotera Seeds), Macerat Immorter. With their help spend the point massage. Mirra, sandalwood, roses, neurols, carrots, incense are also effective from the essentials. Add them to cream. Very effective for facial rejuvenation and folk remedies. For example, this: Take in the same number of aloe sheet juice and olive oil, add a couple of tea spoons of your day cream, mix and warm on a water bath. Apply to face for fifteen minutes. Or take a spoonful of chopped aloe sheet, add one yolk, a tablespoon of dry milk and tea liquid honey, mix all. Mask hold ten minutes. Try such a recipe: a tablespoon of cream oil, a grip and a tea spoon mix mix, add half the grated apple. Keep the mixture on the face of about twenty minutes. Or such: Two teaspoons of Cashitz from the plantain Mix with one spoon of lime honey, add some water. Apply for a quarter of an hour.

Mask for face3.

Delivered from wrinkles, cells regenerate, raise the turgors and the following recipes. Wrap one squirrel, pour on a teaspoon of milk and honey, add three spoons of flour wheat and knead the dough to the consistency of sour cream. Mask apply for twenty minutes. Mix the cucumber juice, cream on the tablespoon, add two turmeric chips and flour, mix everything and apply on the face, wash up a quarter of an hour. The crushed peel of three lemons fill with a glass of boiling water, insist eight hours, then add 50 ml of propolis tincture and cream to 50 ml of the cream and a spoon of lemon juice and honey, and two unrefined oils, mix and store this cream in a glass container. Or take a teaspoon of glycerol and honey, two spoons of table lemon juice, as much olive oil, yolk. All connect and beat by adding gradually seven drops of camphor alcohol. If you already like the traditional methods of rejuvenation, resort to mesotherapy, biorevitalization, laser grinding, Botox and hyaluronic acid injections.


If these methods and funds did not bring you the desired result, you can take advantage of the most radical methods - blepharoplasty, a circular suspension of the face.

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Olya 09/09/2018 at 17:26

And I believe that for rejuvenation you need to use not only the masks, but also other procedures to use. I felt a tangible resutat when I switched to the right nutrition, the carnosine Evalarovsky began to take and the yoga was shown .... Cosmetical procedures, it, of course, is good, but that's all together gives me not just to look younger, but also feel younger, but it is very important.


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