How to clean your face from pigment stains

How to clean your face from pigment stains

Pigment stains do not adorn the skin, so many women who collided with such a problem, try to get rid of it right away. To do this, you can resort to the services of a cosmetologist or try to remove stains yourself. How to do it, we will tell further.


There are many natural whitening funds that are in their effectiveness are comparable to cosmetology procedures. Grind the parsley bundle in the blender. There should be a porridge that needs to pour steep boiling water. Wrap the tank with a tincture towel and leave for 1 hour. Strain the mixture through several layers of gauze and wipe the face with a decoction every night. Before applying, it is desirable to clean the skin with tonic or lotion. Be sure to wash the remnants of cosmetics.

How to clean your face from pigment stains


Cucumber has long been used to whiten the skin, so you can use it. Wash the vegetable and soda it on a shallow grater. Pour into a lot of 2 tablespoons of milk and apply a mask on a purified face. Keep this cleaner on the skin you need 20 minutes. After that, wash the mixture with cold water and wipe the chamomile decoction.

How to clean your face from pigment stains

Cottage cheese and ammonia

Dairy products will help get rid of pigment stains and make the skin softer. Take 2 tablespoons of fatty cottage cheese and overtake it to the state of the Cashitz. This can be done with the help of a blender. Pour in the milk mass of 3 tablespoons of ammonia alcohol. Apply porridge on your face and leave for 20 minutes. Remember, the ammonia alcohol is an aggressive substance, so it is impossible to keep the mixture longer. After time, wash the remedy with warm water and apply moisturizing cream.

Honey and lemon

Wash lemon and cut it in half. Singing the juice from halves and break it into a bowl. Preheat on a water bath 1 tablespoon of honey and mix the ingredients. You have to get a liquid mass, leave it to a complete cooling and apply to the face. Cover the skin with a towel or napkins and lie 20 minutes. Wash the sticky mass with warm water and rinse the decoction of the wormwood.

How to clean your face from pigment stains


Conventional extruded yeast will help you get rid of stains. To do this, the fourth part of the bundle of yeast is a fork and pour to the resulting flakes a tablespoon of lemon juice. Stir the mixture and add 10 ml of grapefruit juice. You will have Cashier with a characteristic beer smell. Equally distribute it on the skin and leave for 15 minutes. Remove a mixture of cool water.

How to clean your face from pigment stains

Special cream

Now the pharmacy sells a large number of hydroquinone-based creams, this chemical substance is very effective, but has increased toxicity. Therefore, do not use such a cream if you are in an interesting position. During pregnancy, pigment stains appear due to hormone imbalances, after childbirth, the skin is restored, and the hyperpigmentation disappears. Quite effective is a chemical peeling, which is carried out in the cabin.

Remember, pigment stains may appear due to liver and stomach diseases. Sometimes the cause of hyperpigmentation is a violation of the thyroid gland. If you do not eliminate the cause, the cosmetics will only give a temporary effect. It is necessary to solve health problems.

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