Clay for a person from acne how to use

Clay for a person from acne how to use

Clay is an excellent skin care substance. With it, it will be possible to get rid of acne and gumons on the face, as well as to improve the whole body. In this article we will tell, how and with what to mix clay to remove acne.

What clay to choose


There are several types of this cosmetic product. The most common is kaolin - white clay, which is suitable for any type of skin. It can be purchased at the pharmacy or in the cosmetics store. Before purchasing, make sure that there are no components that cause allergies. Remember, the white clay is effective at the initial stages of the disease and powerless in relation to acne or acne. Therefore, kaolin is recommended to use with small inflammations and minor acne.

Blue clay

This product can be used in running cases, as it penetrates deep into the pores and clears them from dirt and pus. A substance is for sale in any pharmacy, and it is worth a penny. With this tool, you will be able to not only remove the angry rash, but also pull the skin. The blue clay contains mineral salts and microelements that contribute to the regeneration of the epidermis.

Black clay

This agent is characterized by the highest penetrating ability, as it is embedded in deep layers of the skin and removes toxins and dirt out of it. Very effective with severe rash and acne with huge foci of redness and inflammation.

Clay for a person from acne how to use

Masks based on glove from acne

Mask with sour cream

Cutlery spoon kaolina pour warm green tea. It is necessary that the mass become similar to liquid dough. Add a tablespoon of sour cream to this mixture. For applying means, use the brush. Keep the product on the face of 15 minutes. Remember, the mask should not dry and turn into crust. If you feel that your face is tightened, wash the composition from the skin.

Mask with kaolin for fatty and problem skin

Mix in the People with a tablespoon of white clay with the same amount of kefir. Pour into a mixture of a tablespoon of lemon or orange juice. Citrus juice must be freshly prepared. Mix the mask and distribute evenly on your face. Try to drive the remedy in the pores, especially in places where there are a lot of black dots and acne. Leave for 20 minutes. The mask must light up slightly. Rock it with water and rinse a cool herbal decoction.

Clay for a person from acne how to use

Mask with clay and honey

This composition is effective in inflammation and gumons. As part of the mask, there is a clay that pulls the entire garbage from the time, and honey contains natural antibiotics. For the preparation of the mask a little breakdown the product of beekeeping. It is necessary that honey become liquid. Pour a lot of water and fill the white clay with a liquid. Apply Cashitz on the face, avoiding the area near the eyes and lips. Keep a means for 20 minutes. Rock, as usual, warm water.

Mask with calendula

This tool is used in running cases. Fill the teaspoon of calendula with hot water and sake for 5 minutes. Straighten the decoction and spread it a spoonful of black clay. Mix the mask and apply on your face and neck. Keep 15 minutes and wash out the cool decoction of calendula.

Remember to look good and get rid of acne, it is not necessary to spend huge money and visit the beautician. It is enough to regularly care for the skin and clean it.

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