Pigment stains on the face - how to get rid of

Pigment stains on the face - how to get rid of

Watching your reflection in the mirror, many girls and women discover the appearance of unknown spots. If a small amount of freckles gives a female gentle face a special charm and beauty, the color of pigment stains, noticeably different from the main tone of the face, causes a real panic from the representatives of the fine sex! Experts recommend bleaching a person and engage in the removal of spots in winter, what means and how, consider in our article.

Pigment spots on the face - briefly about pigmentation

Pigmentation is a violation of the formation of melanin in the skin structure. There are 2 types of staining:

  • Congenital pigmentation - spots obtained at birth and saving for life. Unfortunately, it is impossible to withdraw either a tan nor with the use of cosmetic creams, therapeutic procedures will not help.
  • Acquired pigmentation - Pigment is unevenly distributed over skin tissues for various reasons, namely: pregnancy, hormonal drugs, side effects of drugs, stress, improper use of cosmetics and age.

At the first signs of manifestation, dermatologists recommend visiting the doctor and establish the cause. It is categorically not recommended to engage in self-treatment, in order to avoid increasing their quantity. There are many harmless and effective means to eliminate and get rid of stains forever!

Get rid of pigment spots with cosmetic procedures

Thanks to modern technologies, in cosmetic salons you will be helped to get rid of ugly spots with the following procedures:

  • Cryotherapy is an impact on the affected areas with liquid nitrogen, freezing and removing cells completely.
  • Chemical peelings - skin massage with rubbing powerful chemicals recycling stains.
  • Mechanical peeling is a soft polishing of affected skin with crushed crystals.
  • Laser whitening - laser rays burn painted skin cells, contributing to the growth of new and healthy. For 2-3 procedures, you completely get rid of the disturbing defect. The only minus of this event is a big value.

Get rid of pigment spots with homemade whitening masks

The above-described cosmetic procedures are worth a lot, in our time not everyone has a financial opportunity for their visit. You can try to remove stains yourself using whitening masks:

  • Cabbage - Cabbage finely fold, boil in milk and cool down, then add 2-3 drops of lemon and 3 drops of olive oil. Apply the mask is necessary on the cleaned skin for 20 minutes, after which it is washed away.
  • Potato - about the whitening properties of potato starch is known since ancient times, for the preparation of masks, spread 1 potato mask on a shallow grater, add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of milk and 1 st. Supply of flour. Mix all the ingredients before the formation of Cashitz and apply on the face for 30 minutes.
  • Cucumber - Fresh Cucumber Clean the peel, then grind on the grater. Add 5 lemon drops and a little softening cream, mix thoroughly. Apply on the face rubbing movements, after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Kefir - fat kefir (from 1.5%) Mix with 4 drops of lemon juice, and then apply to the face for 20 minutes. Masks prepared on the basis of lactic acid align the tone of the skin and get rid of acne and acne.

Get rid of pigment stains with homemade lotions and tincture

The removal of stains is recommended to carry out a comprehensive, alternating making masks with skin wiping with various lotions. They can be purchased in any pharmacy, and you can prepare yourself from quite affordable products:

  • For whitening the face, our grandmothers used Kalina, strawberry or currant juice.
  • Petrushka infusion - pour 1 liter of boiling water crushed leaves and plants stalks, insist 3 hours. After that, lotion is ready for use.
  • Fresh cucumber juice Mix with fresh milk, apply the circular movements in the morning and in the evening.
  • Milk and vodka Connect 1: 1, use every other day.

During the period of treatment, try to avoid sunlight on the skin, wearing hats with wide fields, caps with long visors and sunglasses. Stock up on patience and time, 2-3 days stains certainly not disappear, but if you apply the chosen route constantly, the effect will be noticeable within 10-12 days!

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Maria 07/27/2019 at 16:39

i was helped by the Mesoto Supplement Concentrate

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