Pigment stains on the face - how to get rid of home

Pigment stains on the face - how to get rid of home

Many women do not have such an unwanted cosmetic defect, such as excessive pigmentation of the skin of the face. There are plenty of reasons for its appearance: solar burns, frequent attendance of solarium, age-related changes and even pregnancy. Pigment stains do not threaten health, but badly affect the beauty and psycho-emotional woman's background. You can get rid of such a problem with a competent cosmetologist, but before rushing in an expensive cosmetic interior, you can try to do without them and ways to do so.

How to withdraw pigment spots on the face - Infancy and lotions

All recipes are simple and available, the main thing, take care of the freshness of products and regularly carry out procedures:

  • Lemon juice - the most popular whitening agent. Mix lemon and water in a 1:10 ratio and your lotion is ready. You can use without restrictions.
  • Kefir / Prostokvasha / Serum - Any of these products is a ready-made face lotion. Apply a means to face, and after 10 minutes, wash off the remnants with warm water.
  • Parsley's greens - whitening and toning infusion. A bundle of chopped tops filled with boiling water (0.5 liters) and let's strengthen exactly two hours. The tool is used to wipe the problem areas up to 5 times a day. Stored infusion in the refrigerator 3 days.
  • Cucumber - well discovers freckles and fresh pigment spots. Apply cucumber juice on the stains using a cotton disk twice a day.

How to bring pigment spots on the face - peeling and masks

If the distribution area is extensive to better use multicomponent masks and mixes for peeling:

  • Medovo-marine mask. Mix a part of the honey, part of the sea salt, part of the starch. Apply three bowls of the mask, after 30 minutes you will be able to. Number of procedures - 15.
  • Mask with magnificent. Buy the same powder in the pharmacy and with the help of any oil, pull it up to the porridge mixture. Lubricate the affected areas once a day until it removes stains.
  • Money-curd peeling. Mix honey and cottage cheese (1 tbsp) with a yolk. Stir the ingredients and drop 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Apply for pigment spots for 20 minutes, and then wash off warm water.
  • Peeling with aspirin. Prepare powder with 5 aspirin tablets and 1 vitamin C tablets, then add 1/3 cup of kefir. Apply on the face every other day for 2 weeks.

How to withdraw pigment spots on the face - Professional cosmetics

Pigmentation is an acute problem, and sometimes even the real catastrophe for women. It pushes pharmaceutical companies all the time to develop and produce ultramody line of cream creams from pigmentation. If the people's methods do not like it, and you clearly decided to buy cream, try to choose a means based on such components:

  • Azelainic acid is a substance obtained by extracting from plant products (barley, wheat). This is a strong antioxidant, which is considered effective in combating pigmentation, acne and other defects of the skin.
  • Waterbutin is also a natural substance contained in huge quantities in cranberries, lingonberries, silky.
  • Koyaic acid - a frequent component in creams for the zone around the eyes. It successfully eliminates dark circles, freckles, age-related pigmentation.
  • Hydroquinone is a synthetic and aggressive connection that most effectively removes pigment skin. But he has enough side effects, so it does not fit for pregnant women and lactating ladies.

The most suitable way to get rid of pigment stains is their prevention. Do not abuse sunny baths, less often use soap for washing and use high-quality cosmetics.

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Anna 04/29/2019 at 13:25

Whitening serum Librderm concentrate helped me from pigment spots. And in a month I noticed that the stains became noticeably lighter and less

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