Senile pigment stains how to get rid of

Senile pigment stains how to get rid of

No matter how cool, but nobody is insured against skin aging. One of the very first signs there are pigment stains, due to the accumulation of melanin in the layers of the skin. They do not constitute any danger to human life, but bring aesthetic discomfort. However, if you do not hesitate and immediately find out the cause of the occurrence, you can avoid this process.

Factors of skin pigmentation

Main reasons:

  • The aging of the body, which is unable to remove toxins through the organs, and makes it through the skin, where hyperpigmentation is formed.
  • The reaction of the body on an excessive amount of sun rays. They harm the cells of the top layer of the skin (melanocytes), the unbalanced processing of melanin begins, which turns into a stain.
  • Insufficient amount of vitamins C and PP, which is contained in acidic fruit. Use fresh greens, prunes, cereal crops, carrots, broccoli, beef liver, dried mushrooms.

Cryotherapy (cold treatment)

This procedure exposes the skin to the processing of a freezing agent (more often by nitrogen). Since the process of freezing can lead to the appearance of scars, the procedure is produced locally. At the end, the skin acquires a lighter shade.

Dermabrasion process

The procedure is that the electrically spectacle brush with a set of cutters, spinning at high speed, pollips the surface layer of the skin and removes the epidermis. Over time, a new layer with natural pigmentation is formed. After the procedure, there is a small redness and peeling of the epithelium, because at the end it is necessary to moisten.

Fruit juices

Since fruit contains a large amount of acids, they are able to influence the skin as a natural clarifier. Lemons, Kiwi, Papaya fit well. Squeeze their juice and wrap in a problem area. They will help to align the skin color and cope with the "old-age colors".

Sandalwood powder

Pour into the plate of turmeric powder, sandalwood and pour pink water. The resulting mixture applies to the skin. After an hour you can wash off. It is advisable to make such a procedure every day. Possible an option with a sandalwood powder with cucumber juice, lemon and tomato. Cashitz apply on the skin every evening. This method is very effective and clearly whitens dark spots.

Exfoliating scrub

Mix the milk with oat flakes thoroughly. Oatmeal can be replaced by a dried orange leather, erased into a large powder. Scrub applied before taking a bath. It removes the top layer and contributes to the appearance of a new, brighter.

Yeast and peroxide

Mix three teaspoons of dry yeast with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide before the formation of a thick casher. Apply a mixture on pigment places. Remove 25 minutes with boiled water. The tool will help to cope well with Shenile Lentgo.

Aloe and Vitamin E

Vitamin E (as an oil) can be found in the pharmacy. It is effective in combating many skin problems. Apply oil to pigmentation several times a day. The same procedure and aloe: Fresh flower pulp rubbed into the skin. This method will make you wait for visible results, but they will definitely appear.

Pigment stains are not only an external, but also an internal problem. Therefore, it is necessary in the fight against them a comprehensive treatment. Prevent the early appearance of stains will help an active lifestyle, a balanced diet, the correct day of the day. If pigmentation begins to change in sizes and color, be sure to consult a doctor, as this may be the first disease signal.

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