How to get rid of freckles at home

How to get rid of freckles at home

After winter, with the onset of heat, many people on the face appear small specks - freckles. They are spotted accumulations of the dark pigment melanin, which manifests itself and performs on the surface of the skin under the action of solar ultraviolet.

The strong floor does not attach importance to such trifles as freckles, and impressionable women try to get rid of anticipation of spring by any available ways.

How to get rid of freckles - cosmetic masks

Pigment stains, even such tiny, like freckles, it is not always possible to remove completely, but to make them lighter, almost imperceptible, you can even at home.

Here are some marsh recipes that, judging by the reviews, help in a few days to get rid of the freckles.

  • Lemon cottage cheese mixture for dry skin. In ceramic dishes Mix 3 tbsp. l. Grease cottage cheese, 50 gr. sour cream, 1 tsp. Lemon juice. Tassel apply the composition on the specks, hold 20 minutes. Clear.
  • Boiled potato mask for oily skin. Overgrow one warm potatoes with two spoons of butter and skim yogurt. Distribute the mixture on the site of the accumulation of pigments. Keep a quarter of an hour, remove your cotton disk, rinse the face with the infusion of chamomile.
  • Carrot and cucumber mask - universal. Sutitate a small, fresh carrot and having a cucumber. Mix with egg protein, two teaspoons of ground oat flakes, 50 ml of cream. Apply on horsemen. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm milk, after half an hour - water.

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How to get rid of freckles - a lot

If you do not have enough free time to prepare complex masks, make a whitening mark.

  • Lemon juice based solution. Slit lemon half juice, mix in a cup with cool water 1: 2. Mock gauze, attach to darkened places for 10 minutes. Then lubricate the processed place with children's cream. Course - 14 days.
  • Composition with hydrogen peroxide. Dissolve in a glass with 150 ml of water 3 tbsp. l. peroxide and 2 h. l. Honey. Wet a piece of wool, apply alternately on freckles, without lingering in one place for more than 30 seconds. Make a grazing about 5 minutes in total. After time, slip the skin with a mineral glass, apply a moisturizer. The result is visible after the first session. For seven days you can spend 3-4 procedures.
  • A remedy for red currant. A glass of berries Remember, pour boiling water, give it to breed for 15 minutes. Squeeze, wet a piece of fabric in the brand, close your face. Pass from half an hour, changing the napkins as drying. Were with the aqueous alcohol tonic.

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How to get rid of freckles - healing herbs

Medicinal plants also help struggle with pigments.

  • Parsley juice. Skip the beam or two roots of this spiced grass through the meat grinder, squeeze juice. Mix it with vodka 1: 1. Wipe freckles 5 times a day. Enough the week so that the spots are glad. Do not throw out the cake - make a green applique from it.
  • Hood from the yarrow and the roots of the dandelion. Take 2 tbsp. l. Each ingredient, fill 300 ml of boiling water. Leave for a couple of hours. Use face rinsing lotion. Course - two weeks.
  • Decoration from calendula and plantain seeds. Brew in 200 ml of boiling water three spoons of grass. Wait half an hour and can apply. Lubricate Corps two weeks per night with the resulting liquid.


How to prevent the appearance of freckles

Many preventive measures are not as complicated, but will help prevent unnecessary pigmentation.

  • In the morning, wipe the face with acidic water. On 100 ml of water - 5 drops of lemon juice.
  • Wear hats and dark glasses, leaving for a long time on nature. Do not forget to use sunscreen.

Warning: Do not drink an hour before the exit to the street is black coffee. It contributes to the manifestation of pigmentation.

  • Take nicotine acid at 0.1 grams. 2 times a day for three weeks. It will reduce skin sensitivity to ultraviolet.
  • Fall vitamin C by adding green salad, sauer cabbage, oranges, currant, blackberries in the menu.

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Ways to remove the freckle a lot, choose and act. But first think about whether it is worth doing this? Perhaps, it is from these little specks that your personality depends and such a misses occurs?

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