How to remove freckles

How to remove freckles

Many girls consider freckles one of the imperfections of their skin and are looking for all sorts of ways to remove them. If you are in the number of owners of such a feature, and in vain trying to bring caulkit clusters in vain, try the methods from this article that cover both home care and hardware procedures in the beautician's office.

How to remove freckles - home recipes

Look at your skin: what is she? Oily or dry? Or maybe combined? By defining it, you can choose a remedy that is suitable for you and not to disrupt the exchange processes of the epidermis. If you are the owner of dry skin and use the recipe for the oily - risk spoil your appearance for a long time. Take care of your skin and do not use aggressive tools.

For oily skin

Oily skin does not allow the use of oily mixtures, so it is recommended to buy white clay and add a few drops of lemon oil to it. The coaline contained in clay is a natural leather bleach, and the lemon supports its effect, possessing similar effect. Forget recipes with lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide. Such aggressive funds will not only leave you without a result, but also harm all the exchange processes. In addition, lemon juice injures sensitive skin.

Do not worry about the fact that oil is present in the recipe, because lemon oil does not moisturize the skin.

  • Take two tablespoons of white clay.
  • Fill with three spoons of pure warm water.
  • Mass should turn out sour cream.
  • Add 4 drops of lemon essential oil.
  • Apply for 15 minutes to face.

Do not let the structure dry, the mask should always be moist.

For dry skin

Owners of dry skin should not use lemon and its esters. Pay your attention on sourdough and yogurt. If you add the aloe juice, you get a powerful moisturizing and whitening agent.

  • A third of a glass of buttermilk, mix with a spoon of aloe juice.
  • Apply on your face and cover the food film for 10 minutes.

There are also ways that are suitable for combined skin and all types of combined. These include a blue clay, a paste of parsley, fresh strawberries and cucumbers.

For combined skin

The cucumbers are cut by rings, finely poured with a knife and leave on the skin for 25-30 minutes. With strawberries come in the same way, a little swinging her face.

Make pasta from parsley is not at all difficult:

  • take a large bunch of parsley and put in a blender,
  • choose fine grinding and grind it,
  • the resulting mixture is poured with warm water on half diluted kefir,
  • suppress the mixture in a glass fork and gently lay out on the face half an hour.

Also, whitening creams, masks and fluids are perfectly coping with their task. Do not forget about your skin type, choosing them.

Try not to fall under the right sunlight and use a tanning cream with a high degree of protection. So you will protect yourself from new freckles.

How to remove freckles - hardware cosmetology

Technologies do not stand still, and in the modern world there is an opportunity to remove freckles with a laser. There is such a procedure not enough, but the result from it is noticeable from the first time. The course sets your cosmetologist yourself. May be needed from four to eight procedures. At the time of laser removal, you will be told about numerous prohibitions and contraindications. Perform them in good faith.

Take care of your skin and forget about aggressive means, because they will only aggravate your problems.

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