How to remove wrinkles around the eyes

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes

Mimic wrinkles near the eyes can even appear in young people. This is due to the wrong way of life and poor care. The skin near the eye is very sensitive, so there is a special care behind it.

Start the right to eat. Numerous studies have been proven that the consumption of harmful products does not affect the appearance. In this regard, many young people begin to grow old very early. Enrich your diet to fruits and vegetables. Especially useful strawberry, kiwi, papaya, avocado, blue plum, apricot, green grapes, pink grapefruit, legumes, tomatoes, carrots. Additionally, take vitamins A, B, C, E, RR - they have a property to slow down the aging process. Remember that sleep without regime, smoking and alcoholic beverages gradually atrophically skin muscles.

Aloe juice has long proved its effectiveness as a rejuvenating and healing means. If you have no at home this plant, be sure to purchase it. Cut aloe leaf and carefully squeeze juice from there. Lubricate them dry skin around the eyes. Perform this procedure several times a week. You can also choose a special eyelid cream with aloe juice, but it is preferable to use a natural plant.

You can cook wrinkle cream yourself and you will know exactly that there are no harmful substances. You will need vitamin E in oil and capsuated form. Take a teaspoon of vitamin E, as many cocoa butter and sea buckthorn oil. Mix well the resulting mixture. After that, lubricate the eyelids and the corners of the eyes. This procedure is well used for 15 minutes before sleep two or three times a week.

Cheese masks are also very effective. Take 1 hour. L. olive oil, the same amount of natural fat cream and low-fat cottage cheese. Then add 1 tbsp. l. cow milk and 1 dessertspoonful liquid honey. Mix all ingredients well, so in the end to get a homogeneous mass. When the mask is ready, put it on the eye area and leave for 15 minutes.

Massage is also effective against wrinkles. Heat the olive oil and apply it on the tips of his fingers and massage the area around the eyes. Do not stretch the skin and work out lightweight and gentle movements. At the end make a light tapping her fingers across the area around the eyes. Instead of olive oil you can use grape seed oil.

Very good tool for face care are ice cubes. Pour into molds clean drinking water and freeze them. Immediately after waking up and before going to bed is easy to rub ice cubes skin around the eyes. Also, you can apply them to the entire face. To get the most effective results, mix the milk with water and make cubes from them. You can also freeze the broth chamomile, calendula or parsley. Many women who use this method, assure that the results exceed all expectations.

If you are used often to show their emotions (laughing, crying, surprise, and so on. D.), Appearance will not be able to avoid early wrinkles. Therefore Pick quality caring agents, which include retinol and collagen. These substances help to strengthen the delicate area around the eyes, and make it firm and elastic. When you can, get yourself a cleanser designed for the skin around the eyes. This area is not recommended to apply classic soap or makeup remover.

If you regularly use all the above methods in combination, you can achieve very effective results. Do not forget every night to enjoy a good moisturizer for the skin around the eyes.

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Angela 06.10.2019 at 17:50

From my own experience I can say that the most important skin -uvlazhnenie. Usually wrinkles appear just yet due to lack of moisture. So my magic wand is hyaluronic acid evalarovskaya (the online store Fitomarket ordering, so it is more convenient and more profitable) and plenty of fluids throughout the day. In its 40 Me and 35 who give little, and that's exactly something so mean)

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