Mimic wrinkles around the eyes, how to hide

Mimic wrinkles around the eyes, how to hide

The perfect face without wrinkles is the goal of most women, regardless of age. Someone carefully performs all the rules of care, someone uses cosmetology innovation, someone resorts to the help of plastic surgery. But there is another way to disguise wrinkles - the right makeup. Consider how with the help of decorative cosmetics, you can visually rejuvenate your eyes and hide wrinkles.

The main thing is moisturizing

Well moisturized leather is an important condition for high-quality makeup, since it avoids such defects as irregularities and roughness. In the case of wrinkle correction, it is not just important, but necessary. The skin in the eye area has an extremely thin and sensitive structure, including in relation to moisturizing. Therefore, on dehydrated skin it will be difficult to hide wrinkles even with a good makeup. So do not neglect the leaving cosmetics for the eyes with the obligatory presence of moisturizing components in it.

Choosing a tone for wrinkle correction

The main taboo in choosing a tone in this case is a dense structure and a fat basis. Such a tone cream only "score" wrinkles and makes them even more visible. The most suitable is the tonal bases with a light, silky structure, which contains oils. Equally, it is important to pay attention not only to the structure of the tone, but also on its color. In order to adjust the mimic wrinkles, including around the eyes, it is better to use the means as close as possible in color to the shade of your skin. The main thing is not to apply the tone on face, much darker or brighter natural.

Consiller against wrinkles

Consiller is the most basic, on the recommendation of the makeup artists, the means for the "masking" wrinkle around the eyes. To apply to this purpose, you need a water-based corrector, choosing a shade a little brighter of your own skin. Quickly and gently absorbing into the skin, the consilet visually aligns the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, masking wrinkles for the whole day. Please note that when using a consisler you can "overdo it", aggravating the unpleasant picture of "goose paws" even more. Therefore, apply it to a special tassel and purely to the sites subject to corrections. As a bonus, you can also remove dark circles under the eyes with a light consiler.

Shadow for wrinkle correction

To hide wrinkles around the eyes, use the shadows of the natural palette. The advantage of professionals is given to calm pastel colors, 1-2 tons are darker than the natural color of the skin. If you choose shadows with a light glitter - masking wrinkles around the eye will become even more efficient. It is necessary to apply them only to the upper eyelid, having previously moistened by its tone base. In order not to receive the opposite expected result, remove the shadow from your cosmetic bag with a fat basis - rolling, they accumulate in wrinkles, even more emphasizing them.

Stovetub, Kayal and Mascara

To remove attention from wrinkles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes, all the lists of eyeliner and the kayals of dark shades are recommended not to use them in the lower eyelid. For the same purpose, the lower eyelashes are better not to rinse. On the contrary, to revive and refresh the look, brighten the lower eyelid (or rather, the contour of its mucous) with a light color pencil. For example, the eyes of beige or white kayl eyes are very impressive. And for the top, use soft shades of liners - gray, brown.

Blush and eyebrows in the overall picture of wrinkle correction

In disguise wrinkles around the eyes, a considerable role is allocated and blunders. Here, preference should be given to products with a cream structure, since crumbly blush only emphasize all skin irregularities. With respect to the color palette, the most effectively in the disguise plan works with a tandem of pink and bronze. At the same time, the first are applied to the most protruding parts of the cheeks, and the second - under the cheekbones. But Orange and Brown Rumba is better to avoid. Help the wrinkles help eyebrows. Therefore, they must be neat, and their beauty is better to support with the help of pencils in a natural color or a little lighter.

To most effectively hide wrinkles around the eyes, use our advice and the potential available within you. Remember that our eyes are a reflection of what inside us. So smile, fill in the inner light - and behind it your wrinkles will be definitely not visible!

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faith 06/10/2019 at 17:50

I have minor wrinkles appeared against the background of skin dehydration (so the beautician said). He also advised Haluronic acid Evalarovskaya to drink (it was her, because there the dosage is correct), well, he said to the biorevitalization to resemble. Now the skin has become much younger))

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