Dark circles under the eyes - how to get rid of

Dark circles under the eyes - how to get rid of

Many women are diligently fighting the problem of dark circles under the eyes, but unsuccessfully. After all, to begin with, it is recommended to get rid of the root causes of their formation, and then stick to the right care for gentle skin on the face.

First, it is necessary to pay attention to your diet and go to balanced nutrition. Try to minimize the use of salt, fried, oily food, eat more vegetables and fruits. Especially rich in vitamin C - lemon, orange, strawberry, currant, sea buckthorn, rosehip, rowan, viburnum, kiwi, spinach, pepper, garlic, horseradish.

Freckled orange

Of great importance in this question has a full sleep and walking in the fresh air. At least a couple of hours before bedtime. Healthy lifestyle Completes smoking, alcoholic beverages - and the skin of the face will become velvet and shining.

When choosing cosmetics, consider the individual features of your skin, namely, its type and sensitivity. Never leave makeup for the night, take yourself a rule to wash it off before going to sleep! Wash it useful to cold de chlorinated water. In this case, the eyes are recommended to open and close in water.

In the arsenal of any girl there must be a sunscreen with a level of protection not lower than 15-20. Improve the blood circulation of this zone will help the remedy, as part of which vitamin K. It would be good to add it to vitamin A. Derivatives. The useful effects are based on cucumber, tea, horse chestnut, ginkgo, blueberries, gels with vitamin C and lipoic acid.

If the problem of swelling is also as acute, then use the spit bags of tea, only pre-cooled. You can take any tea - black, green. At the same time, it must contain caffeine. The best folk tonic is: you need to cut a mug from cucumber and put on my eyes, because this vegetable contains in a large number of vitamin K. Effective, albeit simple means - ice cubes.

Modern cosmetology offers to help representatives of weak gels whitening creams, funds made based on the mucus of the snails of Akhatin, cream with Botox and gels easier structure with gualironic acid. They are not suiced, since they are a full alternative to beauty injections. To increase the effectiveness of the means, it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator. Since the cold is able to remove the swelling, such a cooled gel will be 2 times more efficient.

If you have pronounced depressions under your eyes, you can try a more radical method - a transplant of fat under the skin. There is nothing dangerous in this, since the fat use your. Take it from the hips and go into the region. Along with the filling of the depression, you get rid of wrinkles, as the skin lifting effect is manifested.

Dark circles can always be disguised. Remember that the lower eyelid does not tolerate the tonal cream! The remedy on it rolls, emphasizing wrinkles. Therefore, it is worth buying a special corrector for the area around the eyes - a consiler. It is able to neutralize the dark tone and visually improve the condition of the skin. Choose a shade on the floor of the lighter of your skin. For the flowing skin of the eyelids, take a moisturizing corrector.

Complete the use of cosmetics daily morning massage, which perfectly tones the gentle skin under the eyes. This technique received the second name "finger souls", as it is performed by the pads of the fingers. Massage after water procedures. Move on the line from the temple to the bridge for 2-3 minutes. Only the lower eyelid is recommended to massage, it is not necessary to external loads on the top. After the massage, apply the cream for the eyelids, rub the tool along the same trajectory.

Complex a complex, directed against dark circles and swelling under the eyes, can be compresses, masks and rims. They are usually preparing from raw potatoes, parsley, bravery chalf, cottage cheese one technique: the tool is covered in a dense gauze or bandage and leaves for ever 10-20 minutes.

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