How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes create a lot of problems - give out true age, make a person feel cowardly. They sign up for an improper lifestyle. However, there are many ways to regain an attractive appearance.

Using natural ways

Increase the time to sleep. A person is on average 7-8 hours for sleep, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. It is believed that during sleep, blood circulation decreases, and the skin is pale. You will need two weeks of good sleep, and the bruises will disappear. Do not forget that smoking and alcohol worsen sleep, do not take them, and you will be beautiful again. To ensure strong sleep, use Vitamins B6, calcium and magnesium (contained in greenery), minerals. In the evening, wash off the cosmetics from the face, otherwise, with age, the eyes will look tired. If you are allergic to products or smells, get rid of it, sometimes dark circles under the eyes mean the presence of an allergic reaction of the body. Determine the source of your trouble and keep track of these substances. If necessary, consult a doctor who will prescribe anti-allergenic drugs. Often dark circles cause allergies to food products - wheat, soybean, egg protein. Reduce the use of these products.

Change nutrition

Use fruits, vegetables, especially help in solving the problem of cabbage and spinach. Constantly drink water, give up salted food. Salt hold water, leads to a swelling under the eyes, provokes the appearance of blue blood vessels on the face.

Use of plant ingredients

Consider popular techniques:

  1. Cool the cucumber in the refrigerator, cut two mug with a thickness of 1 cm. Lie on your back and close your eyes. Put the eyelids on one mug of cucumber, it must close the problem areas. Learn 10-15 minutes. Repeat the vegetable procedure every day. You can use cucumber juice. Water cotton swab with juice and cover your eyes and sections around them.
  2. Skip the raw potatoes through the combine to get a puree. Put the pulp on the eyes for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. In potatoes there are enzymes that absorb toxins that are a source of dark circles.
  3. Pass the leaves of mint to the status of mashed potatoes and put in a cup. Add juice from half lemon to Cashitz and mix. Lubricate the area under the eyes, after a quarter of an hour, you will smell with cold water. Lubricate your skin twice a day, daily.
  4. Mix in the same proportions tomato and lemon juice, cover with dark circles with a mixture of 30 minutes. After the procedure, wash the liquid. Repeat sessions daily.

Cold Item Procedures

The cold narrows blood vessels, reducing swelling under the eyes. Water with an ice water towel, lie on the back and put a towel on the eyes. Keep the compress for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day. Instead of a towel to the eyes, you can attach a strongly chilled spoon or ice cube.

Freeze the used sachets of green or black tea. Put sachets on problem areas for 10-15 minutes. Tubils that are in tea are compressed by vessels, and caffeine absorbing moisture reduces dark circles. You can also use herbal chamomile tea, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

Using creams

Recipe cream to get rid of dark circles to learn from a dermatologist. Typically, these are funds with vitamin A and retinoic acid, which contribute to the tide of blood to problem areas, seal the skin. Also suitable creams for skin lightening, preferably made on the basis of soybeans and citrus.

Many people do not suit infinite procedures, and they resort to radical measures, for example, to plastic operations. However, experienced dermatologists believe that with such troubles is better to fight folk remedies, they are the cheapest and safe.

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