How to remove bruises under the eyes at home fast

How to remove bruises under the eyes at home fast

Bruises and swelling under the eyes are one of the most common problems that have a manifestation at a very different age. The reasons for the formation of a noticeable defect set, but the most famous - chronic fatigue, hereditary predisposition, inclipboard and detrimental habits. Remove bruises without the use of drugs easy! It is enough to take advantage of one of our tips.

How to remove bruises under the eyes - massage

From frequent overvoltage of the eyes, the circular muscle comes into activity and decreases in size. Between the skin of the eyelids and decreased in the size of the muscle, the liquid accumulates, which hangs as ugly blue bags. How can you help yourself? Thanks to the exercises of facial gymnastics, you can revive the muscle, return to it elasticity and tone, as well as increase blood circulation and skin nutrition. Before gymnastics, clean the skin of the face and the hands with any cleansing means.

  • 1 Exercise - he grumble strongly, and then quickly open your eyes. Repeat 10 times.
  • 2 Exercise - Middle finger pads Place on the inner corners of the eyes, housing greatly and freeze often for 10 seconds.
  • 3 Exercise - Open with your eyes try to "draw" the letter V, repeat 15 times.
  • 4 Exercise - Before the exercise, prepare any moisturizing cream or face gel, pre-cooling. Apply it by tapping movements on the skin of the eyelid. Exercise spend 2-3 minutes, without pressed and without pulling the skin.

How to remove bruises under the eyes of masks

  • Petrushechnaya mask - take 50 grams of fresh pieces of parsley leaves, grind and add 2 tbsp. Spoons of thick sour cream. To the smooth layer, lay out Cashitz on sore eyelids. After 5-10 minutes, rinse the eyes with warm water. Repeat a few days in a row.
  • Babushkin Method - one potato need to be welded in the uniform, then clean and soda in a small grater. Add 100 ml of fresh milk and 2 tbsp. Spoons flour, mix thoroughly. Apply potato cream on the eyelids, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Compress for the night - 2 tbsp. Chamomile spoons pour hot water with glass. Let stand the herbal influence of 20-30 minutes, then strain. Divide the liquid into 2 parts, alone cool down, and leave the other warm. Alternately exercise contrasting baths for a century for 15 minutes. There will be no trace on the morning from the bruises!
  • Tea compress - brew leaves of any black tea, cover with a cover and give it to brew for 15-20 minutes. Perfoliate welding and use as compresses by wrapped in gauze. This method is effectively struggling with bruises formed from chronic lack of sleep and fatigue.

How to remove bruises under the eyes of egg serum

Egg serum prepared independently allows you to get rid of swelling and bruises in 15 minutes. Moreover, the egg whites carefully strengthen your skin and give elasticity. Wake up before the formation of 2 protein foam, then apply word movements to the area around the eyes. Wait 15 minutes to completely dry the mixture. After that, rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizing cream.

How to remove bruises under the eyes of ice

Regular use of ice for wiping the face will return your skin freshness, cleanliness and pleasant healthy color. So that the procedure has affected, use some tricks:

  • For whitening and improving the color of the face, add 3 st tanks of lemon and grapefruit juice in 200 ml. After that freeze.
  • Frozen chamomile has a soothing effect and relieves inflammation - brew 2 chamomile bag in a glass of boiling water and put in the freezer. Wipe herbal cubes to the skin around the eyes in the morning and in the evening.
  • Sage and Parsley - make the healing herbs and give it in 3-4 hours, then freeze in the form for ice. Wipe the face with cubes every other day.
  • If I did not work at hand, take 2 tablespoons and cool under the jet of water or in the freezer. Attach cold devices for 1-2 minutes to the lower century, swelling and bruises will be less noticeable.

When choosing the elimination of bruises with ice cubes, the main thing is not to overdo it. It is allowed only to rub the skin of the skin slightly slightly, forcing blood circulate faster, giving the skin natural color.

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