How to remove circles under the eyes

How to remove circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes after the protracted corporate party or night viewing of the beloved film is a phenomenon familiar to many women. But how to be if such a cosmetic flaw, do not pass every day and forces to restore the daily disguise no longer left. First of all, it is necessary to determine the source of the problem, and then begin to radical cosmetic procedures.

Possible perpetrators of dark circles under the eyes

If dark circles were thus settled in your eyes and go not going to go, it means that there are reasons for it, namely:

  • Daily sleep.
  • Meful diet, dietary type of food.
  • Condition of chronic stress.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Blood blood circulation.
  • Failure in the work of the kidneys.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Receiving hormonal drugs.

Often the cause of dark circles is the diseases of the endocrine system or heart. In such cases, only a doctor can help.

After the reason for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes was found and eliminated, you can proceed to skin care.

Complex tonic masks from circles under the eyes

Dark pigmentation around the eyes is due to poor microcirculation, so very effectively making masks based on natural nutrients:

  • Walnut - Mix any crushed nuts (5 g), citrus juice (2-3 drops) and butter (6 g).
  • Curd - form small cakes from the rubbish cottage cheese (20 g) and black tea (3 drops), and apply to the problem zone.
  • Potato - Sattail the raw potatoes, add a milk drip and place the cleaner in the gauze bag.

The duration of the cosmetic procedure is 20 minutes, the course is 3 masks per week for a month.

Acting compresses from circles under the eyes

Warm compresses based on fragrant herbs tone the skin and contribute to getting rid of circles under the eyes. Apply champs using cotton discs impregnated.

  • From cornflowers - inflorescences (10 g) brew boiling water (200 ml) and let it brew for 20 minutes.
  • From Sage - grass (10 g) pour boiling water (100 ml) and wait 15 minutes. We will cool the infusion and divide into 2 portions. Leave one part with warm, and the other is cool to 5-7⁰s. Alternate warm compress with cool.
  • From chamomile - dry inflorescences in a gauze bag or filter package for coffee. Pulk them in boiling water for 25 minutes, and then, coating, apply on the eyes.

The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Compresses need to be carried out by order with masks.

Suitable creams from circles under the eyes

In order for the skin to be elastic and moisturized, you need to use the right night cream.

  • Caffeine-based cream. This alkaloid stimulates blood vessels and helps the skin to gain a normal color.
  • Cream with vitamin A and E and E. These components are care for problem skin and saturated with its strength.
  • Cream with protein, which stimulates the growth of cells. Such a means is most effectively in combating bruises.

Course of morning gymnastics from circles under the eyes

Remove swelling, cheer up capillaries and find a "fresh" view will help a simple set of exercises:

  • Actively clog and open your eyes (3-5 times).
  • Bulk continuously (2-3 minutes).
  • Slowly translate the view from the near point to the remote (6 times).

Get rid of dark spots much more difficult than creating adverse conditions for their appearance. Love yourself and watch for health, then no circles have to withdraw.

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