How to remove wrinkles between eyebrows

How to remove wrinkles between eyebrows

Age-related changes of the skin, manifest, above all, the emergence of wrinkles, avoid no one for anyone. The most noticeable of them are the Mimic, which include interburry folds, but they develop not only as a result of age and active facial expressions. The factors contributing to their premature occurrence include: insufficient water consumption, poor ecology, excessive rudeness, stress, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, sharp change in body weight and even improper lighting of the workplace. Consider ways to get rid of wrinkles between the eyebrows.

To prevent the formation of all wrinkles of this type, you should follow your facial exposure, avoid excessive manifestation of emotions. Special attention to preventing the occurrence of wrinkles between eyebrows to pay such feelings as anger, irritation, anger, try to restrain them. If possible, give up smoking and drinking alcohol drinks. Drink at least two liters of fluid per day to maintain good skin elasticity. When washing, it is better not to use soap, as it dries the skin, use melt water. In the morning, wipe the problem areas with ice cubes, for these procedures you can freeze chamomile decoction. Do not neglect the wearing sunglasses. Twist a visit to a solarium.

To get rid of wrinkles between the eyebrows, use the following way. At a certain period of time specified on the package, cover a special plaster on the problem space, for example, Frownies Facial Patches, Frownies for Foreheads & Between Eyes, Phiten, Face Lift, Lancaster. You can replace it with the usual (it is better to take the medical bandages intended for fixing) or tape. On the wrinkles massacled by the hands, pre-apply a thin layer cream (moisturizing, nutritious or from wrinkle). Keep from one to eight hours. To achieve the best effect, drip a couple of drops of aloe juice. So that the procedure of the patching procedure has passed less painfully, moisten it with warm water.


Try this way: pour the glass of boiling water, lower the silver teaspoon in it. During its heating, lubricate the wrinkles between the eyebrows with a dense layer of anti-aging cream. Then slightly cool the spoon and the convex side to stroke the wrinkles from the bridges to the hair growth line, as it warm it up again. Procedure spend at least a quarter of an hour. A very effective in combating glabellar wrinkles mask film, for example, Tiande, lotions Himalaya Herbals - Nourishing Skin Cream, Anti-Wrinkle Cream, Argireline, Regenerіst from Olau, Resolutіon D-Contraxol by Lansome, Estee Lauder Future Perfect Antі-Wrіnkle Radіance Crem and others. For the same goals, use regular and conventional zinc ointment sold in the pharmacy. If your skin is dry, add some creamy or olive oil, apply nothing more than two hours.


Once or twice a week, use such a tool: Mix the glycerol and gelatin gelatin on the tablespoon and gelatin with one chicken egg protein, which you can pre-beat. Apply the mass to the area of \u200b\u200bthe bridges for half an hour, then rinse with warm water, and the skin moisture the skin or tonic. Self-making self-massage with light circular movements with fingertips, moistened in olive oil. This recipe is effective: mix on a teaspoon of liquid honey, cream or yogurt and lemon juice with two vitamin E capsules, apply a mask for half an hour. In addition, make oils made of white clay with the addition of five drops of essential lemon oil.

Honey and lemon

More radical methods are Botox injections, dysport, acupuncture, microdermabrasion, endoscopic forehead lift.

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Zina 06/10/2019 at 17:52

I have long understood that if the skin moisturize on an ongoing basis, then the wrinkles are less noticeable. Therefore, I take a hyaluronic acid Evalarovskaya (it is her dosage good, and the Swiss production is also. I order a phytomarket in the online store, it turns out that it is more profitable), well, and make masks with Aloe. The skin began to look much better, and the wrinkles are already less))

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