Elbows rough and dark what to do

Elbows rough and dark what to do

The cracked skin on dark elbows is not very attractive, especially in summer. It is possible to restore the original view of the elbows at home using ointments, tinctures and other mixtures that are made from food.

Causes of leather flaws on elbows

Causes of skin darkening on elbows can be associated with problems in the body, for example:

  • The deficiency in the body of vitamins A and E. Indirect confirmation is hair loss, hair lone, dry skin. You should change the diet.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, the dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Accompanied by increasing weight, fatigue, chills. Go to a doctor for consultation.

Removal of flap skin scrub

Scrub removes fracturing and dead skin particles. Take the bath, raise your elbows. Apply the scrub on the elbows, let's dry a bit. Carefully massage with a mixture of 5 minutes, then roll and remove the cream. Lightly dried cream grabbing and coarse skin. Do not rub it if on the elbows of inflammation or cracks. At home, you can independently prepare a scrub of those products that is in the kitchen one of the following recipes:

  • Pour in dishes in equal parts salt, add water and liquid soap, mix everything.
  • Stir in equal parts any bar and honey. Mixtures are divorced to the state of thick sour cream or casher.

Skin clarification

In vegetables and fruits, there are many natural components that will help to return the elbows natural

Lightening potatoes

On the grater, soda crude potatoes. Slide the cassel elbow, put the bandage from above. Keep 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure for 8-10 days.

Lifting lemon

Cut the lemon from Lemon, attach to the elbow and secure the clean napkin. After 15 minutes, remove the dressing, rinse the skin and smear the vegetable oil. Use Lemon for a week daily. The stains will disappear, and the skin will become a silk.

Lemon honey for clarification

On the grater of half a lemon, add 1 tsp. Honey and as many vegetable oil, mix everything thoroughly. Apply a mixture to gauze and wrap the elbow. After 15 minutes, remove. Moisten the napkin to the same mixture, attach to the problem area and wrap the film for 10-15 minutes. Repeat daily for 10 days.


Helps in the presence of cracks and a wound, treats infection. Mail onions on the meat grinder. Apply Cashitz on the elbows, cover the film and fix the bandage for 15 minutes. Do the procedure every day before results.

Baths for elbow

In the dishes pour 1 l of water. Add 50 g of soda and 100 g of salt, a little baby soap, wait until everything is dissolved. Lower the elbows into the water for 20-25 minutes. Salt, soda and soap cleans elbows from flaky skin, contaminants, improve blood circulation in the elbow area. After the procedure, sweeten the problem areas with pimples and spread the nutrient cream or olive oil. Well helps fatty sour cream.

Coffee Pilling

Helps get rid of skin peeling on elbows. Ground coffee is used. Mix coffee, honey and sour cream, taken in one proportion. Apply a mixture on the elbow and rub the circular movements. Use weighing several times a week before getting soft clean elbows.

Mask for elbow

It will take glycerin, milk, lemon juice and vitamin E. Take the teaspoon of all ingredients and mix. Split the elbows pasted. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Procedures should be combined with daily prophylactic leather care. After the shower, take care of the elbows as well as the face, regularly and right, and then the appearance will please you and others.

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