Heels crack what to do

Heels crack what to do

Dry cracked heels are usually among those women who neglect professional pedicure and daily homemade care. But it happens that the cracks on the heels appear even in those people who are watching the legs constantly. In this article we will try to figure out, because of what such a trouble arises and how to deal with it.

Causes of cracks

Cracks on heels may appear for various reasons:

  • natural dry leather legs;
  • wearing too close shoes or made of synthetic materials;
  • skin facility feet;
  • diseases of general type: diabetes, avitaminosis, gastrointestinal diseases.

Elimination of reasons

So that the heels in the future become beautiful and soft, it is necessary to eliminate all the causes of cracks.

We carry normal shoes

First of all, review your shoes and throw all the old, close and stamped of their leatherette or stamped from plastic. The rest of the shoes are necessarily dried after intense socks using a special electric drying and handle a deodorant for shoes.

We reduce "No" Risk of Foot Infub

In public places (sauna, swimming pool, beach) weigh individual rubber slippers or shale. If the fungus has already settled on the legs (they get it, they shrug and blush), then visit the dermatologist. You can buy yourself in a pharmacy "Lamizil", "Candid", "Mikosptin" or other similar cream and use it according to the instructions.

We treat the main disease

Almost all diabetics heels have cracked the structure - the doctors have even the term "diabetic foot". Receiving special antidiabetic drugs reduces the risk of fractures. Heel often burst in people who eat correctly, ie they have diagnosed vitamin deficiency. In this case, visit a nutritionist, so he wisely made for you daily diet. Also start taking pharmacy vitamins and minerals - especially pay attention to vitamins A, E and B, which are responsible for skin elasticity. Necessarily believe the gastrointestinal tract, and if necessary, update the plan work - this will help the gastroenterologist.

Getting rid of dry heels

Natural dry heels can interfere with a person for life, if it is not every day to moisturize your heels. How to do this, see below.

Baths for heels

Make it a rule every evening to do a ten-minute bath with a decoction of chamomile or calendula and a couple tablespoons of olive oil. Water for baths Take a warm, but not hot. After the bath is not necessary to rub your heels with pumice to further not to traumatize the skin dry. If you regularly bathe heels in broth of herbs and butter, they gradually soften.

Masks for heels

After the bath do any mask that moisturizes the skin and promote healing of cracks. Any mask for a minimum of 2 hours, but can be more. After applying the foot mask wrap the plastic bag and put on cotton socks:

  1. Grate a big apple, fill it with hot milk and let the mass cool.
  2. Boil thick porridge without salt and sugar. Take one cup of it and mix with a spoon of olive oil.
  3. Mix egg yolk, a tablespoon of starch and a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Applications for heels

If a mask can be applied to all of the foot, including the heel, then the application is better to do only a crack. The therapeutic agent is applied along the cracks, the top lay a strip of gauze and tape the heel plaster. This type of care is desirable to do on his heels all night:

  1. Grind 10 aspirin tablets and mix the powder with vodka (250 mL). Insist 2 days in a dark place.
  2. Tablespoon of petroleum jelly without perfumes mix with a pinch of crushed chloramphenicol.

Creams for heels

In any drugstore sell special healing creams for cracked heels. But it means you can do yourself, and smeared their heels several times a day after obligatory washing with cool water:

  1. In one tablespoon of the children's cream, drip 2 drops of daisy and lavender essential oil.
  2. Heat to a temperature of 40 degrees 100 ml of olive oil. Add the bee wax to the oil (ball size with walnut). Stir the wax in the oil and at the end pour the glycerol teaspoon and the same spoonful of sea buckthorn oil. Cream Keep in the refrigerator.

To your heels were gentle and soft, do not be lazy to give them every day 10-15 minutes of time. When the care procedure becomes so familiar as the cleaning of teeth before bedtime, you will forever forget about cracks on the heels.

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