Glycerin from cracks on heels

Glycerin from cracks on heels

Cracks on the heels - an unpleasant problem that spoils the appearance of the legs and causes pain. It is necessary to care for the skin's skin not only in the summer season, but also throughout the year. Then the heels will be smooth and soft, without signs of peeling and cracks. Procedures with glycerin inexpensive and effective.

Useful properties of glycerin

The exceptional feature of Glycerin is to extract water molecules and attract them. When applied to the skin, it moisturizes it, picking up moisture from the atmosphere. Glycerin disinfects the skin, prevents the spread of bacteria, tightens small wounds and cracks. High-quality glycerin should be produced from natural components and be purified by 99.5%.

Glycerin and vinegar: recipes for heels

The best effect on the heels of glycerin has in conjunction with vinegar or acetic essence. Select the duration of the courses depending on the depth of the cracks. After each procedure, handle the foot with a nutrient cream. Do not use glycerin without adding vinegar or other components.

Recipe with glycerin and essence

Preparation of composition and application procedure:

  1. Take a bubble with glycerin. As a rule, it is not filled to the edges. Follow the acetic essence to the edge and shake, closing the lid.
  2. Open the bottle and rub the product into the affected skin.
  3. Use the composition daily in the morning and in the evening. For the night after the procedure, wear socks.

The first positive changes you will notice on the fourth day of use.

Recipe with cracks with glycerin and vinegar

Helps with deep cracks on heels. Billet and application:

  1. Make a footbath with a naval salt duration of 20 minutes.
  2. Clean your heels and with pumice.
  3. Mix vinegar 9% and glycerin in proportion 1: 1.
  4. Apply the composition on the heels and wrap them with polyethylene.
  5. Put socks.
  6. After a couple of hours, remove the socks and wash the remedy in warm water.

Glycerin from cracks: an easy way

The easiest way to treat cracks on the heels is to apply a glycerolo-acetic mixture to the flawed leather for 15 minutes and the subsequent treatment of dry stop with a pimple or saw.

Glycerin and grated apple from cracks: recipe

Apples will raise the skin of heels with vitamins, and Glycerin will soften it. Take the ingredients:

  • two small apples;
  • milk;
  • glycerol;
  • vinegar 9%.


  1. Clean the apples from the peel, spend on a shallow grater and fill with milk so that it turns out to be Cashier. It should not be liquid.
  2. Boil the mixture and then cool down.
  3. Apply the cooled Cashitz on the heels for 50 minutes, and after - wash.
  4. Mix vinegar and glycerin in a 1: 1 ratio.
  5. Lubricate the feet with the resulting composition.

Glycerin bath

The glycerin bath helps to remove dead cells and healing cracks on the heels. Application:

  1. Prepare a label for legs with warm water.
  2. Add one glycerin teaspoon.
  3. Lower the foot in the bath for 15 minutes.
  4. Treat the feet with pimples.

Baths apply not only for treatment, but also for regular prophylaxis of cracks.

Herbal beams with glycerin

The decoction with glycerin and healing herbs will have a speedy healing effect on the heels. The best herbs are St. John's wort, oak bark and sage. Cooking the beam:

  1. Take one tablespoon of dried herbs and pour it with one liter of boiling water.
  2. Put on aquatic bath and boil for 30 minutes.
  3. Slightly cool the decoction and raise your feet. Fool the foot towel and wake cracks on the heels of glycerin.

With daily use of decoction and glycerol, the cracks will be dragged in 2-3 days.

To avoid the time-consuming and long-term treatment of cracks on the heels, carry out prevention once a week. Clean the coarse skin layer and make glycerin baths for moisture. On the night rub the vaseline ointment into the skin of the heels. If the cracks are still formed, and folk recipes do not help, consult a doctor.

Comments leave a comment
Anna 18/11/2015 at 17:10

Hello, and you can also try to get rid of cracks on the heels with the help of Japanese pedicure socks Baby Foot. My mother was advised at the pharmacy when she bought another tool for cracks to buy socks. And she tried! Here is a miracle effect! Helped, heels look great!

Irina 26/04/2020 at 20:55

When the erogenous leather is laid, it will certainly dry and cracks cannot not appear. It is necessary to treat primarily not cracks, but to ensure that there are no these layers. To do this, you can use ointment urmps, which perfectly contributes to the removal of these layers. She also moisturizes perfectly. And if glycerin is applied after it, then its effectiveness will increase.


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