How to clean the heels

How to clean the heels

Women's legs are one of the main tools of seduction of men. Therefore, they need a particularly careful care. The problem destination is usually the heel, since the main load during the day goes on them, and the skin in this zone is very sensitive. The coarse skin is enough just to clean at home. How to do it?

Baths from Soda

This is a very simple and effective way to clean your heels. To do this, in a hot water bowl, you must pour out a complete tablespoon of soda. Foot in such a bath you need about 15-20 minutes. During the procedure, it is better to clean the heels of pimples. Soda foot bath will help heal cracks on the skin and remove various contaminants from them. Soda has a softening and moisturizing effect, and also reduces skin peeling in this zone. It is better to do such a bath every day or at least every other day.

Herbal baths

They are not only cleaned of pollution and heal cracks, as well as well remove fatigue and soothe after the working day. For such a bath, you can use various herbs (chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort, calendula, yarrow, the root of Altea and others). Dry grass (several tablespoons) need to be pouring boiling water and insist about 15 minutes. Also for greater effect, use Pembia.

Dairy baths

For cooking, it is necessary in a bowl with a hot water to dilute the floor of a milk line and pour out a little soapy chips (it is best to do from the children's soap). Feeding in such a bath you need until the water cools. After process the heels with scrub and pimples. Next, rinse with warm water and fool the moisturizing cream. For a better effect, you should wear warm socks. As a result, the result of fallen heels will be soft and pleasant to the touch.

Olive oil scrub

Effective method to purify heels is homemade scrub of olive oil and sugar. In preparing sugar scrubs should be twice as much. Mix the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, and use while taking baths for feet. With uniform circular motions remove dead skin cells. After rinse with warm water.

Lotions from cabbage

For better effect, after the bath make a compress of cabbage. Take a piece of sheet-sized heels and good steaming place attach it strapped bandage, "breathable" fabric or gauze. It is best to do this lotion at night and hold it until the morning. In the morning, removing it, process heels pumice.

Mask of zucchini

Courgettes are composed of a variety of useful components. Of them also make effective masks on the heels. To do this, skip the zucchini through a meat grinder, turning them into puree. Next, add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil and the resulting mass apply on gauze pads. Strapped to their leg, leave for half an hour the resulting construct. After removing the residues rinse with warm water.


Cream is an essential means to mitigate the heels. After each treatment (peeling, baths, masks), apply a moisturizer to the place, which was treated. It moisturizes the skin and makes it more elastic.

Caring for heels - very complex work. This zone requires daily care to achieve the desired result, but spent the time and effort is worth it as clean and smooth heels have always been very attractive place woman.

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