Blowed heels, what to do

Blowed heels, what to do

Heel deliver a lot of trouble and discomfort to many people. As a result of improper care, they stiffen, leading to the appearance of cuts and cracks. In this situation, it is important how the treatment can be started quickly and not allow the infection to get into the wound.

Take first steps

Prepare a hot foot bath:

  • Add a bowl of water 1-2 tbsp. l. Sea salt. To foot well steamed, water should be hot enough. Take a bath for 30-60 minutes. Periodically, the water is cool, so you need to pour boiling water on a regular basis.
  • When the legs are well steamed, carefully rub them with a pumice stone. First pull one leg, wipe it with a towel and rub with pumice. Then proceed with the second leg the same.
  • When the dead skin layers are removed, put on foot nourishing cream for the feet. Most of the funds for the treatment of calcaneal fractures based on Vaseline, so if your home has this ingredient, you can use it.
  • Put on your feet warm socks and relax. The hot tub is recommended to do before going to sleep, the cream can soak well. During legs leisure crack begins to tighten.

recovery procedures heels

To completely eliminate the cracks and make the skin soft and smooth, the complex of the following procedures:

  1. This bath is done every night until the crack will not pass completely. In a bowl with hot water, add 1 tbsp. l. sea \u200b\u200bsalt (or 1 hour. l. conventional) and 1 tbsp. l. baking soda. After 30-40 minutes rinse feet with clean water, wipe them dry and lubricate the heels of a slice of lemon. When the legs are a bit dried up, put on them any natural oil. Wear socks and go to bed.
  2. Once or twice a week, clean the heels of rough skin (after the bath use).
  3. Very helpful to make daily compresses. Apple, onion, potato mashed potatoes or aloe juice is suitable for this. Attach the compress to the crack or notches for a while (30-60 minutes), wrap the legs with cellophane and put on the socks. When the time comes out, wash your legs and lubricate them with a nutrient cream. Instead of compress, you can use pharmaceutical tools from cracks on heels, which are sold in almost every pharmacy. They must be applied 2 times a day. After 7-10 days, the problem will disappear completely.
  4. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water during the day (without considering tea, juice, first dishes, etc.). Water will help improve the metabolism and moisturize the skin, which is very important when treating dryness and cracks on the heels.
  5. When cracks are delayed, exercise foot massage. This procedure will prevent the problem repetition, it will help to better absorb useful substances and make heels softer. After using the bath, apply any natural oil to your feet and massage them for 10 minutes. Wear socks and lying to sleep.

Prevention of cracks

In order for the heels to be healthy and beautiful, for them it is necessary to periodically care and comply with simple recommendations:

  • It's just not enough to wash your feet in the evenings. Once a week, remove the coarse skin and moisturize the heels every day.
  • Try not to wear kapron tights and synthetic socks. Artificial materials interfere with the skin breathe, it becomes wet and is injured faster.
  • Once every six months, use vitamin and mineral complexes. Especially important vitamins A and E - they are responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis, so when they lack, the skin begins to dry and crack.
  • People with great overweight must be attempted to reduce it, because the heels do not withstand long-term heavy loads.
  • Prefer convenient and natural shoes.

Medical checkup

If the above tips do not help, contact a dermatologist. Perhaps in the heels managed to penetrate the infection. If the cracks inflamed, drove, blushed and guns appeared around them - do not postpone from a visit to the doctor. It will take serious treatment aimed at eliminating bacteria.

The main condition for feces is regular concern. Even if the skin does not dry, lubricate the heel into the heel daily with a nutrient cream, clean them in a timely manner and periodically indulging useful baths.

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Olga 26/04/2020 at 0:58.

After I began to use loose, cracks on my heels does not happen. In addition, this ointment helps to remove unnecessary layers, so it softens and moisturizes the skin.

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