How to get rid of cracks on the heels

How to get rid of cracks on the heels

The ideal legs are the subject of the pride of many women. But what if the summer is not far from around the corner, and the skin on the feet is far from the ideal and there are cracks? In this article we will tell how to get rid of cracks on the heels.

Causes of dry skin on legs

It is necessary to understand that cracks on the heels are a problem not only a cosmetic nature. Most often, the cause of dry skin stop is the lack of care for them and ordinary avitaminosis. So try to drink a vitamin complex and pay more time to the legs. To remove cracks on the heels, you do not need to use mechanical ways, you simply remove the skinned layer of the skin, but do not solve the problem.


Great grasses cursed perfectly with cracks. To do this, you need to boot my legs daily in healing decoction. Fill 2 tablespoons nine-boiling water and a little approve the mixture. Straighten the decoction through gauze and pour it into a bowl with warm water. It is necessary to keep the stops in the bath for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate the skin with a vaseline or conventional moisturizing cream.

Vegetable oils

For compresses, you can use conventional sunflower oil. Suitable goose fat. Before processing heels, they must be sprained in hot water. After the skin becomes soft, spread it with fat or oil. Put the old socks and bite the legs with polyethylene. You can use special cellophane socks. Leave the compress for several hours or at night. In the morning, wash the fat and wipe the foot.

Oat flakes

Welcome viscous oatmeal and pour a little linen oil into porridge. Put the mixture into the cellophane package and put it on foot. Take the foot with a towel and keep the mask on the legs of 2 hours. In total, 3-4 crack procedures will disappear. Instead of linseed oil, you can use a goose or badger fat.

Milk products

Take a half-table of kefir and add 2 tablespoons of the shaken butter into it. Soak this liquid tissue and impose compress on the heels. Take the feet of the food film and put on warm socks. Keep fabric on the foot of 8 hours. It is best to make a procedure before bedtime. In the morning, wash your skin and lubricate it with vegetable oil.

You can use a mixture of sources and salicylic alcohol. Mix 100 g of a dairy product with a tablespoon of salicylic alcohol. It contains an antibiotic that kills pathogenic microorganisms and speeds up the healing of Teschin and RAS. Prostokvasha activates skin regeneration processes.

Barcuch fat ointment

For the preparation of the medicine, you melt 2 tablespoons of a plaque bowl in a water bath and pumped on it. 1 teaspoon of calendula flowers and herbs chilli. Before adding herbs to fat, they need to withstand in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Tomit ointment in a water bath of 40 minutes and constantly interfere. Mass should not boil. After that, resolve the remedy through the gauze and pour into a glass jar. Lubricate your heels with this ointment before bedtime.

How to get rid of cracks on the heels

Remember, the main reason for the appearance of cracks on the heels is lack of moisture. Therefore, do not go to the bosomak on hot sand and lubricate the feet daily with a moisturizing cream.

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