How to get rid of legs

How to get rid of legs

Feet edema is quite a frequent phenomenon among women, which brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. How to get rid of edema?

If you have a sitting job, then without simple exercise just do not do. So that the legs feel better and not elapsed, perform two times a day the following set of procedures:

  • take off the shoes, put a pencil on the floor and alternately raise it with his feet to the legs ten times;
  • versions to the floor heel, and wear socks, then on the contrary;
  • slide your fingers in different directions, then sop, raise them up and lower down;
  • page on socks 3 minutes.

If the edema is caused by the problems with the heart, then Astroal will help! Check it in a pharmacy. Method of preparation: 1 teaspoon pour 200 ml of boiling water, give it in 15 minutes and strain. This is a daily dose that must be taken 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, then 10 days break and can be repeated again.

Paths for legs will become excellent assistants in the fight against edema. You need to purchase chamomile and sea salt. The gain of the steep decoction of chamomile, pour it into a basin with water room temperature and add 100 g of salt. After the procedure, salt the feet with a nutritional cream. Also help the contrasting souls after a hard working day or heat.

Collect fresh birch leaves, replenish 15 g and pour alcohol or vodka. Leave last 6 hours, perference. The resulting composition of rubbing to the legs.

Any tools are good, but still it is worth looking for the root cause of edema. It may be heart problems, with kidneys. Therefore, to postpone the visit to the doctor and wait for itself, it will be not desirable.

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