The emergence of vascular stars is not always the first symptom of the development of varicose. Any excessive load on your feet (especially female) can cause a manifestation of a reddish grid. Nevertheless, it is necessary to decide the problem until it has become a serious illness.
Physical exercise
One of the reasons for the appearance of the venous cob is a large load on his feet, for example, a seating or standing job, a long wearing heel, professional sport. The habit of often sitting with crossed legs also leads to the appearance of ill-fated sprockets. Try to make daily hiking (with walking in the stairs). During the day, allocate your time for one exercise, which turns away the blood along the vessels and will not allow it to stagnate - lift the legs up and hold them in this position for 5-10 minutes. An excellent way to combat venous grid is swimming. If you are engaged in professional sports, do not forget to give your feet honored rest.
Proper food habits
Exclude sharp food from the diet and start using as many vegetables and fruits as possible. It is recommended to additionally accept the complex of vitamin C. As a result of its lack of capillaries become fragile and brittle. It is very important to abandon smoking, because it blocks the full absorption of vitamin C. Nutriciologists recommended to take products, which contains the rutin (vitamin P), bioflavonoids and squeezing horse chestnut. If there are extra kilograms, get rid of them - it will reduce the load on your feet.
Folk treatments
Use home methods to eliminate the venous tintage. Exercise procedures for 1-2 months before getting a good result.
Apple vinegar
Take 100 ml of apple vinegar quality (preferably the home). Make sure that the temperature is room temperature. Dial a little money in your hand and start to do gentle massage on the affected area. Use this method on a daily basis for 5 minutes.
Take a handful of parsley and fill it with 100 ml of boiling water. After 20 minutes, strain the infusion and add a little milk. Will receive funds to make compresses and apply them to the injury site for 30 minutes. Spider veins disappear in the near future.
Squeeze from aloe leaf juice droplets 10 (but not greater) and rub it in the damaged areas. Perform this procedure every day or every other day. Venous network will be held in a month.
A reason for treatment to the doctor
Subject to the above conditions venous mesh will gradually lighten. If it does not, or will begin to appear new stars, please refer to phlebologist. Doctor will prescribe specific medications to strengthen the walls of veins, massages, special underwear and tights. To remove venous gossamer beauty treatments exist that can offer you a doctor. The latter include mikrotermokoagulyatsiya, laser photocoagulation and sclerotherapy. Let us consider them in more detail:
- Mikrotermokoagulyatsiya. Vienna subjected to high frequency electric current that pigmented inside the vessel, after which it becomes invisible. The course lasts from 3 to 6 treatments at intervals of 1 month.
- Laser coagulation. This method is based on the previous one, but instead of the current container is exposed to the laser. The course takes 3 to 6 months. The main procedure done in a month, and then carry out rehabilitation. The advantage of this method is the lack of small scratches that can occur after mikrotermokoagulyatsii.
- Sclerotherapy. If defects are pronounced, the physician may prescribe sclerotherapy - a procedure in which a vein is introduced into a substance gluing its wall. After that Vienna becomes imperceptible. Contraindications for these methods are during pregnancy and lactation.
When the venous cobwebs do not panic - the observance of all the above recommendations will help restore the health and beauty of your legs. If the desired effect has not occurred, make an appointment with phlebologist. The doctor will provide competent advice and tell you what to do next.
I believe that at an early stage, varicose disease can be cured by outer means. I rubbed a thrombocide gel daily. It absorbs and acts faster than any ointment from varicose veins. It helps strengthen the vessels and relieves swelling well on the legs.