Many women are familiar with such a cosmetic problem as Cooperoz. What can I say, a bright capillary "drawing" on the face - the spectacle is unfavorable, extended vessels are clearly not added to the lady of beauty. In order to do not mask the red streaks on a thick layer of a tone, better times and forever get rid of non-distecable vascular "stars".
Disturbance of blood circulation in the skin may be a consequence of genetic predisposition, venous insufficiency, violations of the hormonal background, liver pathologies, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and frequent stress. Also, the cause of an unhealthy belt can become an aggressive climate with sharp drops of temperatures, excessive stay in the open sun, alcohol abuse, smoking and unbalanced nutrition. In order to determine the cause of Cooperosis, you need to go through a medical examination, revise the lifestyle, abandon the bad habits (and food including). Only after that you can proceed to the cosmetology treatment of vascular "stars" on the face. There are several salon techniques aimed at eliminating cooperosis:- Laser therapy is the most popular method of eliminating pronounced coperaosis. This cosmetology procedure is safe and absolutely painless. A targeted laser beam effectively restores the affected vessels by "spikes". Already after the first session, the capillary mesh becomes invisible.
- In mesotherapy, microenjunctions of special drugs are introduced into the mesotherapy in Kuperoz region. Thanks to the point exposure, the state of the vessels is normal and the capillary pattern is effectively eliminated.
- You can get rid of bright capillaries on your face with ozone therapy. The procedure is to be introduced into the vessel with the help of micro chapel ozone-oxygen cocktail. The main advantage of ozone therapy is the lack of such consequences as scar formation and skin pigmentation.
- Handheld Spanish face massage promotes not only skin rejuvenation, but also to eliminate the vascular mesh due to reinforced blood microcirculation and oxygen enrichment.
- Electro-generation allows you to eliminate cuperosis by causing burst vessels with the help of a hairpin electrode. This cosmetology procedure is sufficiently painful and fraught with the appearance of small scars and pigment spots.
- To prepare an antique-perception compress, press juice from fresh leopa leaves, soak the freshly squeezed soft cotton cloth or gauze and impose on a purified face for 15-20 minutes.
- To prepare a mask, grind the pulp of the rash (green) tomato in the blender, applies to the purified face for 15 minutes.
- Also get rid of excessive beauty will help firming anti-stress tonic: brew 3 tbsp. Dry chamomile in 0.5 liters of boiling water, cooled by infusion, strain and dissolve two crushed ascorutin tablets in it. Wipe the face with this tonic 2-3 times a day.
A little patience and effort - and you'll forget all about this cosmetic troubles, as the capillary net on his face.
Every morning, wipe your face with chamomile ice, pick up the cream is good, but still, Vitaminka currently buy. My beautician advised nature's bounty Vitamin C and wild rose. Vitamins by the way, not only reduce the capillary permeability and fragility, but also have antiviral activity, after the course I have not just stopped appearing capillaries, colds but I stopped hurting. So I advise, help to cool.
I was a star on the face, on the right cheek below the eye. Do not hurt, I do not bother, but I really wanted to get rid of it. When she went to the beautician said that this procedure removes all the flash (sorry - I do not know the correct name of the procedure). After half a year after that, decided to remove its star, the procedure is painless and without consequences and helped. And I saw an additional vitamins Neyches Bounty Vitamin C and wild rose, they prevent the emergence of new capillaries. Now, after a course of vitamins, even as it was quiet, very much hope that more stars on his face no I will not. By the way, I noticed that after the course has become less sick colds, it's probably because rosehips operates))).
In summer, try not to overload your skin with all sorts of cosmetic creams. There Ryboril Expert spf50 +, it is both Tonirujushchaja skin, removes redness and strengthens blood vessels. 2 in 1
And plenty of vegetables / fruits.
Such a problem is quite serious, in fact. Usually because of bad blood circulation arises, it came across such. Digidrovercetin and abundant drinking during the day (pure water and chalfés) were well helped. So the tests come to the norm, and there is no more capelar mesh.