How to get rid of wen on the face

How to get rid of wen on the face

A non-psychic seal on the skin, the sizes of which can vary from the very tiny to the huge, in the commoner called "girovik". For the face, the appearance of xantellasm (nodule formations in the field of forehead, eye, cheekbones, wings of the nose and eyelids) and myiliums, which are small dense acne (clouded rogged iron cornea and its derivative). From the wiring you need to get rid of, and it should be competent, since with a non-professional approach to this defect, it does not decrease, but on the contrary, it may even increase.

Contact a specialist in the field of dermatology - it will be the right tactic on getting rid of any kind of wen. An experimental cosmetologist mechanically or with the help of a laser eliminates volumetric education under general anesthesia, and small milios are under local anesthesia. Lipoma on the face (gradually increasing in size a benign tumor of connective tissue) you can remove only by resorting to the help of the surgeon.

With tiny wen, you can try to cope yourself. Wash your hands carefully, disinfect them and face skin, take the needle, treat it with alcohol. Carefully pith the place of defect and remove the fat capsule. After - again, forcing the place of the puncture and attach ice. Important! When performing these manipulations, comply with all the arms and antiseptic rules in order to protect yourself from the possible infection of the wound.

Methods of combating wiring in folk medicine are aimed at strengthening blood circulation in the field of skin defect. Use them systematically, be patient and forces - you will notice the result in two or three weeks.

Using on a problematic place, compresses from scarlet, calangean or golden outer can significantly reduce the size of the wiring and achieve its complete disappearance. Grind a piece of any of the proposed plants and attach to a defect so that the pulp and juice affects it directly to the fat. Fix the mass with leukoplasty. Do it daily, preferably at night.

Aloe, mixed with honey and chestnuts, also cope with this cosmetic nuisance. Take three large chestnuts and three aloe sheets, grind them and mix with a tablespoon of honey. Apply a mixture for 15-20 minutes each day.

Warves will disappear from the skin of the face, if you take a tincture of the roots of the burdock. Grinding 250 g of burdock roots Fill 250 ml of vodka. During the month, insist this mixture in a dark cool place. Take 1 tbsp. l. Before eating twice a day.

Make Cashitz from garlic and vegetable oil. Daily apply the resulting mass on problem areas, avoiding entering the eye in the eye area.

Affecting for warves that arose on the skin around the eyes are possible with the help of raggy fat melted in a water bath. A small amount of such means rub in problem places every day.

The exact causes of the occurrence of wen are not known, there are only assumptions that the provoking factors are powered with excessive use of carbohydrates and fats, poor hygiene, the overall condition of the body. To prevent the appearance of this unpleasant cosmetic problem, pay attention to your health and lifestyle.

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